Oregon Data Management
The BLM recognizes that its data and the processed information derived from them are a very significant and valuable resource. Data collected in the course of doing business in all organizational units of the BLM are owned by the BLM. These data represent information assets of the BLM and are critical to its ability to achieve successful implementation of the strategies outlined in the Annual Work Plans. The BLM will protect its investment in data and its derived applications to ensure that they are efficiently managed and accessible in useful forms.
The mission of the Data Resource Management program is to manage the BLM corporate data and Oregon and Washington’s State standardized data as valuable assets that will enable the BLM to carry out its mission in Oregon and Washington.
- Data Standards
Data standards describe what the data set represents and the attributing scheme for the data. In addition, data standards provide information about how the data relates to other data sets, the geographic relationships (topology), provides information about how the data is published and edited. Data standards represent the road map for data collection and maintenance describing how the data is intended to be captured.
- Acquisitions and Disposals | Information Bulletin
- Administrative Unit Boundaries | Information Bulletin
- Aquatic Proper Functioning Condition | Information Bulletin
- Areas of Critical Environmental Concern | Information Bulletin
- Best Management Practices Clean Water Act | Information Bulletin
- Botany and Wildlife Observations and Surveys (GeoBOB) | Information Bulletin
- Culverts | Information Bulletin
- Current Vegetation Survey | Information Bulletin
- Easements and Rights-of-Way | Information Bulletin
- Fire History | Information Bulletin
- Fire Water Sources | Information Bulletin
- Fish Distribution | Information Bulletin
- Fish Sample Points | Information Bulletin
- Fish Passage | Information Bulletin
- Forest Moisture Conditions | Information Bulletin
- Forest Operations Inventory Vegetation | Information Bulletin
- Grazing Allotments and Pastures | Information Bulletin
- Ground Transportation
- Hazardous Site or Trespass | Information Bulletin
- Hydrography | Information Bulletin
- Land Tenure Zones | Information Bulletin
- Land Use Allocation RWO | Information Bulletin
- Land Use Plan Boundaries | Information Bulletin
- Leases and Claims | Information Bulletin
- Marbled Murrelet | Information Bulletin
- Master Title Plat | Information Bulletin
- Mineral Activities
- Mineral Stipulation Areas | Information Bulletin
- Multiple Indicator Monitoring | Information Bulletin
- Northern Spotted Owl | Information Bulletin
- Ocean | Information Bulletin
- OHV Designation Areas | Information Bulletin
- Other National Designations | Information Bulletin
- Plan Area Boundary | Information Bulletin
- PLSS, Surface and Subsurface Status | Information Bulletin
- Range Monitoring | Information Bulletin
- Recreation Management Areas | Information Bulletin
- Recreation Sites | Information Bulletin
- Reforestation and Forest Survey | Information Bulletin
- Remotely Sensed Data Indexes | Information Bulletin
- Resource Area Boundary | Information Bulletin
- Rights-of-Way (ROW) Designation Areas | Information Bulletin
- Roads Maintenance Operations Planning (RMOP) | Information Bulletin
- Sampling and Monitoring Points | Information Bulletin
- Site Potential Tree Height | Information Bulletin
- Snags and Coarse Woody Debris | Information Bulletin
- Stand Exam Sample Points | Information Bulletin
- Stream Location Points | Information Bulletin
- Structures | Information Bulletin
- Sustained Yield Units | Information Bulletin
- Timber Production Capability Classification | Information Bulletin
- Treatments | Information Bulletin
- Treatment Project Areas | Information Bulletin
- Visual Resources | Information Bulletin
- Water Quality and Quantity | Information Bulletin
- Watershed Enhancement Tracking System (WETS) | Information Bulletin
- Wild and Scenic Rivers | Information Bulletin
- Wilderness | Information Bulletin
- Wilderness Characteristics | Information Bulletin
- Wilderness Study Areas | Information Bulletin
- Withdrawals | Information Bulletin
- Data Domains
Domains identify those values that are permissible in a data attribute that uses codes or standard words to represent the value of that item for an occurrence of data. While domains are described and listed in data standards and metadata, they are somewhat dynamic and can be difficult to keep updated in those documents. Data standards list the valid values in place at the time the data standard was issued but changes to domains are not reflected in those documents. Metadata also lists domains and for those that are small lists, do not change often, and are limited in use to one data set the metadata is kept current. Large domains or those that are used in multiple data sets are difficult to keep current in metadata so those domains are posted here.
- Administrative Unit Code (XLSX)
- Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Names (XLS)
- Biological Agent Code (XLS)
- BLM Organization Code (XLS)
- Chemical Brand Name (XLSX)
- Coordinate Source Code (XLS)
- Defining Feature Code (XLS)
- Designation Reason (XLS)
- Firefighting Unit Identifier Code (XLS)
- Forest Operations Inventory Plant Association Guide (XLSX)
- Forest Operations Inventory Plant Association Source (XLSX)
- Forest Operations Inventory All Tree and Understory Species (XLSX)
- Forest Operations Inventory Tree Species (XLSX)
- Forest Operations Inventory Understory Species (XLSX)
- Grazing Management System Code (XLS)
- Jurisdiction Organization Code (XLS)
- Land Use Plan Number (XLS)
- Multiple Indicator Monitoring All Western Mountains Species (XLSX)
- Plan Name Text (XLS)
- Plant Species Taxonomic Code (XLS)
- Point Structure Types (XLS)
- Proposal Status Code (XLS)
- Reason or Benefit Code (XLS)
- Recreation Site Types (XLS)
- Sampling Point Types (XLS)
- Treatment Target Code (XLS)
- Unit Evaluation Code (XLS)
- Workagent Code (XLS)
- Data Framework
The Oregon Data Framework (ODF) mini model is a simplified schematic of the entire ODF showing the overall organization and entity inheritance. The ODF utilizes the concept of inheritance to define specific instances of data. The ODF divides all OR/WA resource-related data into three general categories: Activities, Resources, Boundaries. These general categories then broken into sub-categories that inherit spatial characteristics and attributes from their parent category. These sub-categories may be further broken into more specific groups until the basic data set cannot be further sub-divided. Those basic data sets inherit all characteristics of all groups/categories above them. The basic data sets are where physical data gets populated. Those groups/categories above them do not contain actual data but set parameters which all data of that type must follow.
- Data Stewards
The State Data Stewards are responsible for approving data standards and business rules, developing Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures, identifying potential privacy issues, and ensuring that data is managed as a corporate resource, coordinates with field office data stewards, the state data administrator, Geographic Information System (GIS) coordinators, and national data stewards.
- Technical Leads
The Technical Lead works with data stewards to convert business needs into applications and derive data requirements and participates in the development of data standards, coordinates with system administrators and GIS coordinators to manage the GIS databases, works with data editors to make sure data is being input into the enterprise Spatial Database Engine (SDE) database consistently and in accordance with the established data standard, provides technical assistance and advice on GIS analysis, query and display of the dataset.
- State Administrators
The State Data Administrator provides information management leadership, data modeling expertise and custodianship of the state data models. The State Data Administrator ensures that defined processes for development of data standards and metadata are followed, and that they are consistent and complete. The State Data Administrator is responsible for making data standards and metadata accessible to all users. The State Data Administrator also coordinates with data stewards and GIS coordinators to respond to national spatial data requests.
Eric Hiebenthal
State Data Administrator
ehiebent@blm.govThe State FOIA/Privacy Act team lead assists the state data steward to identify any privacy issues related to spatial data. The State FOIA/Privacy Act team lead also provides direction and guidance on data release, fees, and classification under the appropriate Freedom of Information Act exemption.
Shannon Wolery
FOIA & Privacy Act Program Lead
swolery@blm.govThe State Records Administrator classifies data under the proper records retention schedule.
Katherine Wentworth
State Records Administrator