National Conservation Lands
The BLM's National Conservation Lands currently includes 906 units covering over 38 million acres designated by Congress and the President to conserve special features, from winding rivers to mountain vistas. The National Conservation Lands offer the American people exceptional opportunities for hunting, solitude, wildlife viewing, fishing, history exploration, scientific research and a wide range of traditional uses. The BLM manages these public lands for the benefit of current and future generations, supporting conservation as a part of the BLM's multiple-use and sustained yield mission. This means respecting the ties that native and traditional communities have to public lands, as well as being welcoming of diverse interests and uses.
Celebrate 25 years of National Conservation Lands
In 2025, join the BLM in celebrating 25 years of National Conservation Lands! Learn more and explore all the upcoming anniversary events.
15-Year Strategy
Primarily located in the West, the BLM’s National Conservation Lands represent some of the West’s most spectacular landscapes. They provide abundant recreational opportunities, important scientific research grounds, and outstanding ecological and cultural resources.
Learn more about the 15-Year Strategy
Maps and Data
Maps reveal the breadth and diversity of the National Conservation Lands.
Learn more about national-level maps and data
Scientific Research
National Conservation Lands comprise a natural scientific laboratory that attracts scientists from around the world. The scientific values found within many National Conservation Lands units open the door to valuable research on topics ranging from geology, paleontology, archaeology and history to biology, botany and ecosystem studies.
Learn more about Scientific Research on BLM managed lands