On the Ground a Bureau of Land Management Podcast graphic with tile text and hand holding a seedling.

You are listening to On the Ground, a conversational podcast where we talk to the various scientists, firefighters, land managers, and all around fascinating people at the Bureau of Land Management. Join us as we talk about conservation, recreation, and commercial uses for your public lands.


National Office, Montana-Dakotas

Podcast: Partnership fills skills gaps and creates conversations in Montana

In 2023, BLM announced an interagency agreement with the Intermountain West Joint Venture to improve sagebrush ecosystems.
Arizona, Gila DO

Sentinel Landscapes initiative in Arizona brings agencies and landowners together on common goals

The Sky Islands of southeastern Arizona are a bowl-like natural feature that blocks out many electromagnetic signals.
Nevada, Elko DO

Elko, Nevada residents rally to create new non-motorized trail system

Between Elko and Spring Creek, Nevada, a group of residents and recreation enthusiasts from the Elko Trail Systems Initiative (ETSI) is working with BLM's Tuscarora Field Office to create a new non
Utah, Color Country DO

New Iron Hills Trail System segment in Utah receives a critical investment of funds and partners

BLM-Utah's Color Country District received funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to expand its network of recreation trails at Iron Hills near Cedar City, Utah.
National Office, Alaska

BLM uses acoustic bird monitoring to learn more about bank swallows in Alaska

Along the Dalton Highway in Alaska, BLM spends its first field season using acoustic bird monitoring to learn more about bank swallows and their nesting habits.
National Office, Montana-Dakotas, Western Montana DO

Foresters aim to make Whitebark pine more resistant to insects and diseases in Montana-Dakotas

Whitebark pine is a threatened species of conifer that grows primarily in three states and western Canada.
National Office

How the BLM relies on the public, computer drawings, and local knowledge to open new lands to recreation

Chris Holmes from BLM Communications speaks with Ashton Johnston, a program manager who helps the bureau conduct its once-every-two-years public outreach under the Dingell Act.  Johnston descr
Idaho, Boise DO

In Idaho, protecting and growing sagebrush ecosystems requires an “All Hands, All Lands” approach

In Southern Idaho, BLM has been working with state and federal agencies and private landowners to treat and strengthen sagebrush habitat.
National Office, Eastern States, Southeastern States DO

In Florida, BLM, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service use fire to save an endangered woodpecker

In 2018, a Category 5 hurricane blasted through Lathrop Bayou in the Florida Panhandle, knocking down trees and leaving a huge path of destruction.

Looking at rivers from a fish’s perspective in Southwest Oregon

BLM manages millions of acres of forested lands in a checkerboard pattern through eighteen counties of western Oregon.

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