Press Releases
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BLM implements recreation decisions for Tres Rios and Gunnison field office public lands
The BLM has finalized a supplementary rule implementing decisions related to travel, day-use areas, camping, and wildlife habitat in the Tres Rios Field Office and the Silverton area of the Gunnison Field Office.
Call for Applications: Artist in Residence Program at Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
The Bureau of Land Management invites artists to apply for the annual Artist-in-Residence program. The selected artist receives a one- to two-week residency at the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in the month of June.
BLM signs agreement with Nuiqsut Trilateral, Inc. to protect subsistence and Teshekpuk Lake Caribou
New 1-million-acre Teshekpuk Lake Conservation Right of Way acts on community-led proposal to offset Willow Project.
BLM Colorado welcomes new Deputy State Director for Support Services and State Fire Management Officer
BLM Colorado is pleased to announce that Karren Haslam and Tyko Isaacson have joined the team filling key leadership roles at the State Office.
BLM acquires Queens Crown parcel in southcentral Idaho
The Bureau of Land Management today announced acquisition of the 281-acre Queens Crown parcel bordering the Blaine County Transfer Station in southcentral Idaho. BLM acquired the parcel from the Wood River Land Trust with money from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
BLM seeks input for proposed $1 fee increase at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to increase the standard amenity fee at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.
BLM seeks input for proposed natural gas pipeline near Valmy
The BLM is seeking public comments on the proposed Valmy Lateral Pipeline Project, which would consist of a 16-mile, 24-inch buried natural gas pipeline between the existing Ruby Pipeline and the Valmy Power Plant.
Browns Canyon National Monument recognized as stargazing destination with new Dark Sky Park certification
Browns Canyon National Monument has been certified as an International Dark Sky Park by DarkSky International.
BLM invites public participation in Nebraska land use plan revision process
The BLM is offering in-person public meetings in Scottsbluff and Valentine, Neb., to provide information and solicit feedback during the Draft RMP comment period.
BLM announces Desert Quartzite Solar is fully operational
The Bureau of Land Management today announced the Desert Quartzite Solar facility, located near Blythe in eastern Riverside County, is now fully operational and producing clean energy to power up to 120,000 homes. The 300 megawatt (MW) solar facility also has 150 MW of battery storage, increasing reliability and availability of clean energy on the state grid.
Seasonal motorized vehicle closure at Sand Hills Critical Wildlife Habitat Area
The BLM, Sierra Front Field Office seasonal motorized vehicle closure of the Sand Hills Critical Wildlife Area went into effect on Dec. 1, 2024, and will end on April 30, 2025.
BLM sets aside lands for review of proposed Neptune Solar Project
The BLM is temporarily setting aside roughly 1,920 acres of public lands associated with the proposed 200-megawatt Neptune Solar Project near Delta in Millard County
Stinking Springs and Egin areas temporarily closed to protect wildlife
Temporary annual closure of the Stinking Springs area near the South Fork of the Snake River to all motorized vehicles and human entry in order to support wildlife survival rates.
Shoreline restored at Hogan Reservoir near Cody
Visitors to the Hogan and Luce Recreation Area near Cody will notice an improved, safer shoreline, new rock fishing pier and other improvements.
BLM Helium System sale provides $460 million to U.S. Treasury
The Bureau of Land Management transferred $460 million in proceeds from the sale of the Federal Helium System to the U.S. Treasury today, marking the conclusion of an historic program that served the nation for nearly a century.
Secretary Haaland initiates two-year protection of Pecos River Watershed from mining claims
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced the withdrawal of 165,000 acres from the Upper Pecos Watershed in New Mexico from mining.
BLM seeks initial input for September 2025 oil and gas lease sales in Louisiana, Michigan, and Mississippi
The BLM Eastern States State Office today opened a public scoping period to receive public input on six oil and gas parcels that may be included in a September 2025 lease sale in Louisiana, Michigan, and Mississippi.
BLM seeks input on proposed wild horse gather plan for Lahontan Herd Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input to help inform an environmental assessment of the proposed Lahontan Wild Horse Gather Plan.
BLM holds December 2024 sale for Wyoming oil and gas leases
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Bureau of Land Management Wyoming State Office held a competitive oil and gas lease sale, offering 51 parcels covering 60,427 acres in Wyoming.
BLM to hold public meetings on proposed Newcastle land use plan revision
The Bureau of Land Management is hosting a series of public meetings in January where people can learn more about the Draft Newcastle and Nebraska Resource Management Plans (RMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
BLM seeks input on updated analysis for 2019 oil and gas lease sales in New Mexico
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on the updated analysis for oil and gas parcels offered in the March and June 2019 lease sales.
BLM seeks off-range pastures for wild horses
he Bureau of Land Management is seeking off-range pastures to provide a free-roaming environment and quality care for excess wild horses removed from Western public rangelands.
BLM announces transfer of lands to Walker River Paiute Tribe
The BLM announced the withdrawal of lands around Walker Lake and transfer that land into trust for the Walker River Indian Reservation.