Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area
Nawghaw Poa Road and the parking area at the end of the road are temporarily closed from November 12, 2024, to November 11, 2026, during construction of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Contact Station. Petroglyph Canyon Trail and the 101 Trail have been rerouted and parking moved to Democracy Drive. More information on the temporary closure is available by clicking here. NOTE: Reroute maps recently changed and are current as of Jan. 23, 2025.
In November 2002, Congress designated the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area (NCA) to preserve and protect a portion of southern Nevada’s Mojave Desert for future generations. The 48,438 acre national conservation area forms the southern mountainous skyline of Las Vegas and the City of Henderson. The Sloan Canyon Petroglyph Site is one of the most significant, scenic, and important cultural resources in southern Nevada having more than 300 rock writing panels, and nearly 1,700 designs representing native cultures dating from Archaic to historic era.
The 14,790-acre North McCullough Wilderness lies entirely within the Sloan Canyon NCA and contains unique and spectacular natural resources including thousands of acres of pristine land that remain in a natural state. The North McCullough Wilderness is volcanic in origin and examples of lava flows, ash falls, and glassy zones are clearly displayed in the Wilderness.
The North McCullough Wilderness, located only a few miles from Las Vegas and the City of Henderson, provides opportunities for solitude and a primitive and unconfined type of recreation in an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled.
The Sloan Canyon NCA provides outstanding opportunities for visitors who desire to view the unique scenic and geologic features, remarkable cultural resources, and diverse recreation possibilities.
- Directions
Nawghaw Poa Road and the parking area at the end of the road are temporarily closed from November 12, 2024, to November 11, 2026, during construction of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Contact Station. Petroglyph Canyon Trail and the 101 Trail have been rerouted and parking moved to Democracy Drive. More information on the temporary closure is available by clicking here.
Because of residential construction in the area, directions change often. The best solution at this time is to search on a map app for Nawghaw Poa Road.
- Filming and Photography
Most visitors take snapshots of their visit. This is typically considered casual use and does not require a film permit. It is typified by an individual or group of individuals taking pictures, either still or moving, for personal use.
In some cases, a film permit may be required.
Still photography requires a film permit when one or more of the following situations apply:
- Use of models or props which are not part of a site’s natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities are involved.
- Family or wedding portraits taken by professional photographers would be considered use of “models” as would products or props placed at the site. Props include reflectors, bounce cards, sound booms, or similar equipment.
- If such photography takes place at locations where members of the public are generally not allowed.
- If it occurs where additional administrative costs are likely
Commercial still photography like photographs of scenery or wildlife, for magazine articles, advertisements, books, calendars, postcards, etc., does not require a film permit if none of the above criteria apply. This includes photographs that may have products or models superimposed on them later.
Moving photography (filming) requires a film permit when documentaries, television programs, feature films; advertisements, wildlife filming, or similar projects result in a commercial product.
Student filming projects do not require a filming permit as long as the activity would not adversely impact public lands. Students need to submit a proposal in writing, with verification from the educational institution that it is a required project.
Film and/or photography permits need to be acquired in advance. Processing time can take up to 180 days. Commercial filming and/or photography in the Petroglyph Management Area is not allowed. Other restrictions may apply.
For more information, please reach out to the staff at the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area by emailing us at: BLM_NV_Film_BLMSouthernNevada@blm.gov
- Groups
Nawghaw Poa Road and the parking area at the end of the road are temporarily closed from November 12, 2024, to November 11, 2026, during construction of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Contact Station. Petroglyph Canyon Trail and the 101 Trail have been rerouted and parking moved to Democracy Drive. More information on the temporary closure is available by clicking here.
Petroglyph Canyon has a limitation of no more than 20 people in the canyon at one time to protect and conserve the wilderness character of the North McCullough Wilderness. A Special Recreation Permit or other land use authorization may be required for groups requesting entry into Petroglyph Canyon. All groups should consider joining a BLM Guided Hike into Petroglyph Canyon where a BLM Interpretive Ranger leads a discussion on the cultural, biological, and geological resources of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area.
Parking at the Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station is limited. During periods of high use such as weekends and holidays, access to the Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station parking lot may be temporarily closed at the discretion of the BLM. All groups are encouraged to contact the BLM, Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area, prior to arriving at the Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station to ensure access into the canyon.
Please reach out to the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area staff if you have any questions about guided hikes or recreation permits by contacting us at blm_nv_sndo_web_mail@blm.gov.
- Hours
Nawghaw Poa Road and the parking area at the end of the road are temporarily closed from November 12, 2024, to November 11, 2026, during construction of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Contact Station. Petroglyph Canyon Trail and the 101 Trail have been rerouted and parking moved to Democracy Drive. More information on the temporary closure is available by clicking here.
Petroglyph Canyon is a Day Use Area*. Seasonal hours of operation are:
Winter/Spring: October 1 through May 19; daily from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Summer/Fall: June 1 through September 30; Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to noon and Friday through Sunday 7 a.m. to noon.
Holidays: Thanksgiving Day: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Christmas Day: 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
*Including the Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station.
- Know Before You Go
Nawghaw Poa Road and the parking area at the end of the road are temporarily closed from November 12, 2024, to November 11, 2026, during construction of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Contact Station. Petroglyph Canyon Trail and the 101 Trail have been rerouted and parking moved to Democracy Drive. More information on the temporary closure is available by clicking here.
The BLM welcomes you to explore, enjoy, and make positive memories from your outdoor experiences on America’s public lands. Please remember these are wide-open spaces and wildlands. Plan ahead and be aware of potential hazards. It is everyone’s responsibility to take steps necessary to minimize the chances of becoming lost or injured on public lands.
Below you'll find safety tips and other key advice for planning your trip.
Fire Safety
Please do your part to protect the Sloan Canyon NCA from human-caused fire. Before each visit, check for current campfire restrictions, regulations, and campfire and camp stove permit requirements. Regulations governing campfires are specific to each area and change with elevations, weather conditions, and the seasons. Trails may be closed at any time without warning due to severe hazardous fire danger and weather.
Summer heat
Summer temperatures in the Sloan Canyon NCA may reach over 110 degrees Fahrenheit and hotter in Petroglyph Canyon due to the radiated heat from the black desert patina in the canyon.
- Avoid heat-related illnesses:
- Consume at least 1 gallon (4 liters) of water per person per day.
- Avoid hiking in the middle of the day when it is the hottest.
- Wear a hat, a long sleeved shirt, and sun screen. Bring your sunglasses.
- Eat well before hiking and bring food on your hike to help replace the electrolytes/energy used.
Adults require 4 quarts of water per day and up to 8 quarts for strenuous activity at high elevations. A 25% loss of stamina occurs when an adult loses 1 to 1 ½ quarts of water. To maintain higher energy levels and avoid dehydration, drink frequently. It is important to begin drinking before you actually feel thirsty.
Snake safety
Sloan Canyon NCA is home to the Mojave Green Rattlesnake. Always be alert when traveling through brush or rocky outcroppings like those found at the Sloan Canyon NCA. Use a walking stick to check under brush or around crevices where recoiled snakes could lay. Know where you are placing your hands and feet at all times. Most people are bitten by accidentally stepping on the snake. On average, about 20% of all bites inject venom. The best first aid in case of bites is to transport the victim to a first aid clinic or hospital as soon as possible.
Cell phone coverage
While a cell phone may help in an emergency, do not rely on your cell phone. Cell coverage inside the Petroglyph Canyon may be poor or unavailable.
- Petroglyph Trail
Nawghaw Poa Road and the parking area at the end of the road are temporarily closed from November 12, 2024, to November 11, 2026, during construction of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Contact Station. Petroglyph Canyon Trail and the 101 Trail have been rerouted and parking moved to Democracy Drive. More information on the temporary closure is available by clicking here.
Petroglyph Canyon is a day use area. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All visitors must exit Petroglyph Canyon by 4:30 p.m.
Best times to visit Petroglyph Canyon: Mornings.
Best Days: Monday through Thursday.
Busiest Days: Weekends and Holidays.
Dogs and service animals
Dogs are prohibited on the Petroglyph Trail and in the Petroglyph Canyon.
Service animals are welcome.
Groups – Meetup, Facebook, Hiking Clubs, School, Scouts, and others
Petroglyph Canyon has a limitation of no more than 20 people in the canyon at one time to protect and conserve the wilderness character of the North McCullough Wilderness. All groups are encouraged to contact the Bureau of Land Management, Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area, prior to arriving at the Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station to ensure access into the canyon. A Special Recreation Permit or other land use authorization may be required for entry into Petroglyph Canyon. Groups should consider joining a BLM Guided Hike into Petroglyph Canyon where a BLM Interpretive Ranger leads a discussion on the cultural, biological, and geological resources of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area.
Parking at the Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station is limited. During periods of high use such as weekends and holidays, access to the Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station parking lot may be temporarily restricted at the discretion of the BLM.
The following are prohibited in Petroglyph Canyon and on the Petroglyph Trail:
Motorized: ATV, UTV, Side by Sides (SxS), motorcycles, golf carts, and all other motor vehicles.
Mechanized: e-bikes and mountain bikes, with or without pedal assist.
Other: Drones and target shooting.
Hunting is prohibited in the Petroglyph Management Area.
- Volunteer Opportunities
The Bureau of Land Management values the thousands of volunteers who offer their time, skills and service to help care for the nation’s natural and cultural resources. Volunteers contribute to many BLM program areas, including recreation, wild horses and burros, cultural/historical resources, and environmental education/interpretation. Our volunteers work with us to be good neighbors in the communities we serve. There are many ways you can help care for your public lands, from one-time volunteer opportunities for individuals of all ages to longer-term positions, as well as options for families and groups. We hope that your experience with the BLM will enhance your awareness, understanding, and appreciation of natural and cultural resources.
Areas of volunteer opportunities in Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area include:
- Environmental Education and Outreach
- Recreation Stewardship
- Visitor Contact Station Information Desk
For more information on the many volunteer opportunities at the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area, or at the Walking Box Ranch, please reach out to us at: blm_nv_sndo_web_mail@blm.gov
Where can you learn more about volunteer opportunities with the BLM? Check volunteer.gov for current volunteer opportunities nationwide, from campground host to volunteer vacations.