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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE

BLM to implement emergency closure relocating recreational shooting from Indian Springs area; Nearby residences, livestock, equipment and people being hit by bullets

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Burley Field Office will implement an emergency closure to recreational shooting in the Indian Springs area south of Kimberly, on Friday, Sept. 20, to protect life and property.
Nevada, Wells FO

BLM issues decision for the Murdock Mountain Phosphate Exploration Project

The Bureau of Land Management has issued a final decision approving the Murdock Mountain Phosphate Exploration Project in Elko County.

BLM plans gather of excess wild horses: October gather will take place in Twin Peaks Herd Management Area

The Bureau of Land Management has announced plans to gather and remove excess wild horses from public rangelands in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area to prevent impacts to rangeland health in Lassen County, Calif., and Washoe County, Nev. Gather operations will begin Tuesday, Oct. 1, and could continue for 15 days or longer.
Nevada, Ely DO

BLM Ely District offers firewood for sale

The Bureau of Land Management Ely District is offering cord units of mixed pinyon-juniper firewood to the public for $85 per cord.

BLM seeks initial input for April 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Montana and North Dakota

BLM seeks initial input for April 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Montana and North Dakota
California, California Desert DO

BLM welcomes Philip DeSenze as Ridgecrest field manager

The Bureau of Land Management California Desert District has selected Philip DeSenze as the field manager for the Ridgecrest Field Office. In his new role, he oversees the management of about 1.8 million acres of public lands in Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino counties. DeSenze joins the BLM from the U.S. Forest Service where he served as District Ranger on the Inyo National Forest since 2019. DeSenze started his position earlier this week.  
Montana-Dakotas, Dillon FO

Bureau of Land Management Seeks Public Input on Proposed Fee Increases for Madison River Recreation Sites

The BLM requests public comments regarding proposed increases to existing camping fees and implementation of per-person day use fees at BLM recreation sites along the Madison River. Comment period closes Sept. 18, 2024.
Nevada, Ely DO

BLM pinyon-juniper tree-thinning projects restore rangeland health, reduce fire risk

Two Bureau of Land Management pinyon-pine and juniper tree-thinning projects underway in eastern Nevada use different techniques to achieve the same goal, restore rangeland health and reduce catastrophic fire risk.
Utah, Monticello FO

BLM releases all areas of Indian Creek for climbing

BLM staff ask climbers to voluntarily avoid routes near historic nesting sites in Indian Creek. In the early spring, the BLM confirmed nesting and territory activity on several popular climbing routes.

Clear Creek Management Area is closed due to Boone Fire danger

The Bureau of Land Management Central Coast Field Office is issuing an emergency closure of the Condon Peak Recreation Area and Campground in Fresno County, due to wildland fire danger from the nearby Boone Fire and existing evacuation orders. This temporary closure is effective immediately, until further notice.
Colorado, Uncompahgre FO

BLM releases final rule guiding travel management on public lands in the Uncompahgre Field Office

The BLM has finalized a supplementary rule implementing decisions approved in travel management plans for the Dry Creek, Ridgway, and Norwood-Burn Canyon travel management areas in the Uncompahgre Field Office, Colorado.