BLM Colorado encourages recreating responsibly to help prevent wildfires

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LAKEWOOD, Colo.May is Wildfire Awareness Month, but recreating responsibly to prevent wildfires is key year-round. Wildfire activity has been occurring earlier in the spring and later into the fall, making management of fire more difficult than in years prior. On Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands, 80% of wildland fires are caused by humans.

“Wildfires can threaten people, homes, livelihoods and natural resources. That is why we want the public to be educated on how they can prevent wildfires when they are recreating on public lands,” said Brian Achziger, BLM Colorado State Fire Management Officer.

To recreate responsibly, fire officials recommend visitors follow these outdoor fire safety principles:

  • Know before you go: Check local fire restrictions before you leave and be aware of use restrictions as well as any active fire closures.
  • Clear all flammable materials within three feet of a campfire ring and avoid overhanging trees.
  • Bring extra water and a shovel when planning to build a fire.
  • Never leave a fire unattended.
  • Use a designated fire pit if available and don’t overload the fire with fuel.
  • Pay attention to wind conditions to avoid the spread of embers.
  • Extinguish fires completely, there should be no visible flames or lingering heat.
  • Avoid parking or idling vehicles in tall dry grass as heat from the vehicle could spark a wildfire.
  • Secure all chains for vehicles and towed trailers; the dragging of a chain could spark wildfire.
  • Fireworks are never allowed on federally managed public lands.

More information about fire safety and wildfire season updates can be found at Colorado | Bureau of Land Management (

Planning and preparing for wildfire are just as important as prevention. Know your emergency plan, evacuation route, and how to be smoke ready. For additional tips on how to protect yourself and your community visit Wildfires | and Reduce Risk - Wildfire Risk to Communities.