BLM approves Burnstone Quarry near Idaho Falls

Idaho Falls DO
Media Contact
Bruce Hallman

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Pocatello Field Office has released the Decision Record approving the high-calcium limestone quarry, known as the Burnstone Quarry, located in Bingham County, approximately 15 miles southwest of Idaho Falls.  Under the approved Plan of Operation, Burns Industries, LLC would develop the quarry on 204 acres of BLM-managed public land, with a total surface disturbance of 262 acres, including some private lands, during the 100-year life of the quarry.

“We are pleased to complete the review of the Burnstone Quarry Plan of Operation,” said BLM Pocatello Field Manager Blaine Newman. “The project is an excellent example of BLM’s commitment to consider mineral development as one of the many important public land uses within the agency’s multiple-use mandate.”

The project would also include disturbance associated with access, storage, infrastructure facilities and truck loadout, which would be reclaimed when operations cease. The company proposes to actively mine in 20-acre blocks of land and concurrently reclaim the previously mined block to minimize the total area of disturbance at any one time.

The final Environmental Assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact, and Decision Record are available on BLM’s National NEPA Register.

Implementation of today’s Decision Record is effective immediately, however, there is a 30-day period available for review of the decision by the BLM and/or appeal to the Department of Interior Office of Hearings and Appeals. Provisions for review and appeal of the decision are described in BLM’s Decision Record.

High-calcium limestone is used to make a variety of materials, such as cement, mortar, lime, paint, glass, food and pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, ceramics, and adhesives or sealants. In communities across the country, mining provides jobs, economic activity and important commodities that are essential to maintain a high quality of life.
