Oregon/Washington Planning and NEPA

In Oregon, the BLM has 21 plans in effect; two are currently in the process of being developed, revised or amended. The BLM develops comprehensive land use plans to guide management decisions and actions on public lands. These plans address the full range of activities that occur on public lands, including off-highway vehicle use, wildland fire management, wildlife management, mineral development, and livestock grazing. These plans also direct management of public lands that require special protection, such as areas of critical environmental concern, research natural areas, and potential additions to the National Wild and Scenic River System.

View our plans in effect, frequently requested NEPA documents that inform our plans, and featured plans and NEPA documents in development in the accordion below. Find all BLM Oregon/Washington NEPA and planning documents in our e-planning system.

Plans and NEPA Documents in Development

Read about featured plans and NEPA documents currently being developed, revised or amended, and get involved in the planning process.

Plans in Effect

The following plans are currently in effect throughout Oregon and Washington.





Northwest Oregon




Frequently Requested NEPA Documents

Assessments, Inventories, and Reports

Wilderness Characteristics Assessments

District NEPA Documents


Coos Bay


Northwest Oregon



Vegetation Treatments Planning Documents

In 2007, the BLM released a national plan: Vegetation Treatments Using Herbicides on Bureau of Land Management Lands in 17 Western States Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. This plan analyzed the use of 18 herbicide active ingredients.

Following the release of the national plan, Oregon/Washington developed an Oregon-specific plan that was tiered to the 2007 plan. In 2010, the Oregon Environmental Impact Statement (Vegetation Treatments Using Herbicides on Bureau of Land Management Lands in Oregon Final Environmental Impact Statement) was released. The Oregon plan analyzed the use of 17 herbicide active ingredients of the 18 in the 2007 national Environmental Impact Statement. The Oregon EIS took a more detailed look at the use of herbicides specific to Oregon’s needs and affected resources.

Subsequent to the release of the 2010 Oregon-specific Environmental Impact Statement, each BLM District has developed plans that consider their local needs and requirements. These site-specific analyses looked at various methods to control invasive plants including manual, mechanical, biological and herbicide uses. It is important to note that while the Spokane EA does not tier to the 2010 Oregon EIS, it does tier directly to the 2007 and 2016 National planning efforts.