Utah Planning and NEPA
The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) land use plans evaluate and guide the management of resources and uses on public lands. Using the principles of multiple use and sustained yield, BLM Utah seeks to maximize resource values on public land for current and future generations, ensuring the health, diversity, and productivity of public land. BLM Utah manages approximately 23 million surface acres of public land.
View our plans and NEPA documents in development and plans in effect in the accordion below. Find all BLM Utah NEPA and planning documents in our ePlanning system. If you are having difficulty finding a NEPA project older than 2015, please also check our archive of NEPA projects on the Environmental Notification Bulletin Board.
Visit our National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 101 page to learn more about the NEPA process and public involvement.
Plans and NEPA Documents in Development
Cedar City Resource Management Plan
The Cedar City Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a new Resource Management Plan (RMP) on public lands they manage in Iron and Beaver counties, Utah. The RMP will be the basic document that will guide management of natural resources, activities and uses on the public lands. The new RMP will address issues and concerns identified by the public as well as other government agencies.
Plans in Effect
The Bureau of Land Management uses the following plans to guide management of public lands across Utah.
Field Office Plans:
Cedar City
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Management Plan (1999)
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument - Grand Staircase, Kaiparowits, and Escalante Canyons Units Resource Management Plans (2020)
- Kanab Resource Management Plan (2008)
- Kanab Field Office-Escalante Area Resource Management Plan (2020)
Salt Lake
- Isolated Tracts Planning Analysis and Decision Record (1985)
- Box Elder RMP/ROD and RPS (1986)
- Box Elder DR for EA/PA UT-020-094-07 (1998)
- Randolph Master Framework Plan Decisions (1980)
- Park City Master Framework Plan Decisions (1975) and Land Exchange/Plan Amendment (1996)
- Pony Express RMP/ROD and RPS (1990)
- Pony Express Resource Area Off-Highway Vehicle Designations (UT-020-90-11) (1992)
- Pony Express DR for EA/PA UT-020-96-36 (1997)
- Adjustment of Appropriate Management Levels and Herd Management Area Boundaries for the Cedar Mountain and Onaqui Mountain Herd Management Areas (2003)
- Salt Lake BLM District FMP Amendment UT-020-98-08 (1998)
- Utah Land Use Plan Amendment for Fire and Fuels Management (2005)
St. George
- St. George Field Office Resource Management Plan (1999)
- Resource Management Plans for the Beaver Dam Wash & Red Cliffs National Conservation Areas, and Plan Amendment for the St. George Field Office RMP (2016)
Statewide Plans:
- Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Resource Management Plan Amendment (2015 and 2019)
- Energy Gateway South Transmission Project ROD (2016)
- TransWest Express Transmission Project and RMP Amendments (2016)
Programmatic EIS:
- Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS (2017)
- Solar Energy Development Programmatic EIS (2012)
- Geothermal Resources Leasing Programmatic EIS (2008)
- West-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS (2009)