Colorado Planning and NEPA
Resource management planning is an essential way the BLM evaluates and communicates how it manages public lands. The BLM creates Resource Management Plans to maximize resource values on public lands for present and future generations based on the principles of multiple use and sustained yield. RMPs take about three years to complete and involve continuous opportunities for public involvement during their development and implementation. RMP decisions are designed to guide and control future land and resource management actions over 10- to 20-year periods. They are kept current through continuous maintenance, amendments and revisions as needed. The BLM prepares implementation plans to carry out recently completed RMPs. Throughout its planning processes, the BLM uses a collaborative approach to planning that involves tribal, state and local governments; other federal agencies; important stakeholders and the public to address common interests and goals. The BLM endeavors to use a multi-jurisdictional approach and develop complementary decisions across jurisdictional boundaries.
View our plans in effect, frequently requested NEPA documents that inform our plans, and featured plans and NEPA documents in development in the accordion below. Find all BLM Colorado NEPA and planning documents in our e-planning system.
- Plans and NEPA Documents in Development
- Plans in Effect
- Browns Canyon National Monument Resource Management Plan
- Canyons of the Ancients Resource Management Plan
- Colorado River Valley Field Office Resource Management Plan
- Dominguez-Escalante NCA RMP
- Grand Junction Field Office Resource Management Plan
- Gunnison Resource Management Plan (including amendments)
- Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area Resource Management Plan
- Kremmling Field Office Resource Management Plan
- Little Snake Field Office Resource Management Plan
- McInnis Canyons NCA Resource Management Plan
- Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement
- Royal Gorge Field Office Resource Management Plan (including Northeast Resource Area RMP, adjustments & travel management)
- San Luis Resource Area RMP (including amendments)
- Tres Rios Field Office Resource Management Plan
- Uncompahgre Field Office Resource Management Plan
- White River Resource Management Plan (including amendments)