Resource Management Plans for Western Oregon
On August 5, 2016, the Deputy Director of the BLM signed the Records of Decision (RODs) for the Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for western Oregon. The signing of the RODs marks the end of a four-year effort by the BLM to use new science, policies, and technology to protect natural resources and support local communities.
These RMPs provide direction for the management of approximately 2.5 million acres of BLM-administered lands, and maintain strong protections for the northern spotted owl, listed fish species, and water resources while offering predictable and sustainable outcomes for local communities from tourism, recreation, and timber harvest.
- 1. Planning Assessment Phase
The BLM published the Analysis of the Management Situation (AMS) in August 2013, which presents a snapshot for managers to understand the status of BLM resources and management opportunities.
- 2. Notice of Intent
The BLM published the Notice of Intent on March 9, 2012.
- 3. Scoping Phase
On March 9, 2012, the BLM initiated the public scoping process for the western Oregon planning effort. The BLM compiled a Scoping Report of the comments from public meetings and 584 comment letters.
- 4. Preliminary Alternatives
The BLM released the preliminary alternatives in February 2014 in the Planning Criteria, a document that looked at how the BLM would analyze alternatives and move towards the development of the resource management plans. The Planning Criteria also provides an in-depth look at guidance, policy, and analytical methodologies.
The BLM conducted several public outreach sessions in March 2014 to build awareness on the planning process, and to share and get feedback on the preliminary alternatives. The BLM published a Public Outreach Sessions Report in April 2014 summarizing the public feedback.
- 5. Draft RMP: Notice of Availability
The BLM published the Notice of Availability for the Draft RMP/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on April 24, 2015. This notice initiated the formal public comment period, which ended on August 21, 2015. All public comments received can be viewed online.
The BLM held open houses for the Draft RMP/EIS across the planning area during the public comment period. The BLM also held technical workshops for socio-economics, recreation, forest management and wildlife, and riparian.
- 6. Proposed RMP: Notice of Availability
The BLM published the Notice of Availability for the Proposed RMP/Final EIS on April 15, 2016. In accordance with the BLM’s planning regulations, the Proposed RMP/Final EIS was available for a 30-day protest period. The Director’s Protest Resolution Report was released on August 5, 2016.
The BLM prepared an interactive map platform for the Proposed RMP/Final EIS that allowed the public to geospatially review the alternatives and provide location-specific comments to the planning process.
The BLM developed the Proposed RMP in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to ensure that the plan would meet the legal requirements of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The BLM submitted Biological Assessments to the FWS and NMFS on February 1, 2016, and completed consultation under Section 7 of the ESA in July 2016. The BLM received “no jeopardy” opinions from both the FWS and NMFS, which means that fish, water, and wildlife are adequately protected under the RODs/RMPs.
- 7. Record of Decisions: Notice of Availability
The Deputy Director of the BLM signed the Northwestern and Coastal Oregon ROD/RMP and Southwestern Oregon ROD/RMP on August 5, 2016. The RODs contain the Rationale for the Decision, provide an allowable sale quantity declaration, describe how the BLM will transition to the new plans, and outline direction for mitigation, plan monitoring, and evaluation. The RMPs include land use allocation and resource specific management objectives and management direction.