Oregon/Washington Frequently Requested Maps
The Bureau of Land Management Oregon Data Library contains spatial data of the Oregon and Washington BLM. The Data Library allows the user to obtain datasets and metadata via download. Please note that the available data does not represent the BLM Oregon's entire Data Library.
The GIS data of the BLM Oregon consist of 1) statewide or regional data captured at a scale of 1:100,000 (or smaller) and 2) framework, or base, data captured at the 1:24,000 scale (or larger) that have been built and maintained by BLM Oregon, 3) data cover mostly BLM-managed lands with some private lands included.
The Oregon/Washington Bureau of Land Management has available a wide range of publications, maps, and recreation guides - both online and in person. Many of these maps are available to download for free!
Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series
The Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series is produced jointly by the DOI Bureau of Land Management and the USDA Forest Service for the states of Oregon and Washington. Recreational opportunities on US Fish & Wildlife Service and National Park Service land are also shown, as well as State and County sites, where applicable. Providing coverage at a scale of One-Half Inch = One Mile, and printed on a durable but biodegradable plastic/paper laminate, these maps are designed for use in the field, but fold down to 4x9 inches for easy packing. Thoroughly vetted by field personnel in all agencies, PNWRMS maps display a depth of information with a level of accuracy not found in other map products.
Transportation and Sportsman Maps
The BLM in Oregon and Washington also produces a number of exceptionally detailed transportation and sportsman maps. The maps show Oregon and Washington hunting unit boundaries, land ownership, road systems, and other information that will help you navigate your public lands!
Oregon/Washington Data Viewer
How do I know if I am on BLM land? May I enter township/range to find a location? How do I see some of the data that BLM has available for download? These questions and more are answered with Oregon and Washington BLM's Data Viewer. Find details about BLM-managed lands and print a custom map for you needs.