CentralWashingtonCascades2015Upper ColumbiaPlateau2018UCP 2018OkanoganCountry2018LowerDeschutes&John Day Rivers2019San JuanIslands2015OlympicPeninsula2017ChanneledScablands2018Columbia RiverGorge 2020OregonCentralCoast2012WillametteCascades2017CentralOregonCascades2020SouthernBlueMountains2018Malheur RiverCountry2024Land of Umpqua2023UpperKlamathBasin2024OregonOutback2016UpperRogue Basin2021SteensHighDesertCountry2014HartMountainCountry2019OwyheeCanyonCountry2023SouthernWashingtonCascades2023

Maps are available for purchase at Bureau of Land Management public rooms throughout Oregon and Washington and online through the Public Land Interpretive Association.

Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series

Example of Map Detail of map series showing geographical markers

The Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series is produced jointly by the DOI Bureau of Land Management and the USDA Forest Service for the states of Oregon and Washington. Recreational opportunities on US Fish & Wildlife Service and National Park Service land are also shown, as well as State and County sites, where applicable. Providing coverage at a scale of One-Half Inch = One Mile, and printed on a durable but biodegradable plastic/paper laminate, these maps are designed for use in the field, but fold down to 4x9 inches for easy packing. Thoroughly vetted by field personnel in all agencies, PNWRMS maps display a depth of information with a level of accuracy not found in other map products.

These products may contain geographic feature names that could be declared derogatory through U.S. Department of the Interior Secretarial Orders 3404 & 3405. Upon subsequent printings, the USDA Forest Service/DOI Bureau of Land Management will use official replacement names. For a list of declared derogatory names and official replacement names visit: www.usgs.gov/us-board-on-geographic-names.

Other Pacific Northwest Maps

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Maps available for purchase through Public Lands Interpretive Association website: