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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Nevada, Southern Nevada DO

Bureau of Land Management announces new Southern Nevada District Office Manager

The Bureau of Land Management has selected Kim Liebhauser as the new Southern Nevada District Manager.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

East Applegate Ridge Trailhead closed Jan. 13–31

The Bureau of Land Management will close the East Applegate Ridge Trailhead access from Sterling Creek Road Jan. 13 through Jan. 31 for public safety.

BLM offers reward for assistance in wild horse shooting investigation in Beaver County

The BLM is seeking the public's assistance in the investigation of the shooting deaths of three wild horses in the Mineral Range Mountains, located northwest of Minersville Reservoir. A $5,000 reward is being offered for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.
New Mexico, Pecos DO

La BLM solicita comentarios públicos sobre la subasta de arrendamiento de petróleo y gas en Nuevo México

BLM en Nuevo México abrió hoy un período de comentarios públicos de 30 días para que el público opine sobre las 16 parcelas de petróleo y gas con un área total de 7,502 acres.
New Mexico, Pecos DO

BLM seeks public comment for July 2025 oil and gas lease sale in New Mexico

The BLM New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on 16 oil and gas parcels totaling 7,502 acres that may be included in an upcoming lease sale in New Mexico.
Wyoming, Newcastle FO

BLM Newcastle to burn slash piles in Crook and Weston counties

The Bureau of Land Management Newcastle Field Office plans to burn slash piles this winter on BLM-administered public lands in Crook and Weston counties. Burning may continue as conditions permit through April 2025.


BLM approves Jove Solar Project

The Bureau of Land Management is announcing approval of the 600-megawatt Jove Solar Project, which could generate enough clean energy to power roughly 180,000 homes annually.

BLM seeks public feedback for recreation site improvement in south central Idaho

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Burley Field Office recreation staff seeks public feedback on a grant proposal to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.
Nevada, Southern Nevada DO

Bureau of Land Management announces February 5 & 6 meeting of the Mojave Southern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council

The Bureau of Land Management announced that the Mojave Southern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will host a field tour on February 5 and a public meeting on February 6 in Las Vegas.
Arizona, Hassayampa FO

BLM to commemorate Agua Fria National Monument 25th anniversary

The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Hassayampa Field Office will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Agua Fria National Monument and the National Conservation Lands in 2025. The BLM will plan special events throughout the year. 

BLM closes Muddy Mountain Road for the winter

The Bureau of Land Management closed the Muddy Mountain Road for the winter, effective Dec. 31, 2024.