Press Releases
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The Bureau of Land Management Montana/Dakotas State Office today opened a 30-day public scoping period to receive public input on seven oil and gas parcels totaling 3,001 acres that may be included in an October 2025 lease sale in North Dakota. The comment period ends April 14, 2025.
The Bureau of Land Management Colorado State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on plans to include 13 oil and gas parcels, totaling 12,111 acres, in an upcoming lease sale.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on an enhanced air quality analysis for two oil and gas developments in western Gunnison County.
oday the Bureau of Land Management helped Unleash American Energy by approving the Sapphire gen-tie transmission line and facilities project on approximately 40 acres of public lands in eastern Riverside County. EDF Renewables Development, Inc., is authorized to construct, operate, maintain, and eventually decommission a transmission line and associated facilities connecting the planned Sapphire Solar photovoltaic and storage facility on private lands to the electric grid.
The Bureau of Land Management is celebrating the inclusion of Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument in TIME’s World’s Greatest Places of 2025.
The Bureau of Land Management opened a 30-day comment period on a draft study evaluating the feasibility of designating the proposed Alaska Long Trail as a national scenic trail today.
On March 17, crews will begin road repairs and other maintenance at Sand Mountain Recreation Area, located 28 miles east of Fallon, Nevada.
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Bureau of Land Management Wyoming State Office today announced an oil and gas lease sale scheduled for June 3, 2025, to offer 29 oil and gas parcels totaling 22,965 acres in Wyoming.
The permit includes features developed from public input to reduce potential impacts.
ARCATA, Calif. – Experience the majestic beauty of ancient redwood stands on a guided hike with the Bureau of Land Management along the Salmon Pass Trail, just six miles from Eureka, and immerse in the wonders of nature.
These hikes in the southern part of the Headwaters Forest Reserve are planned for weekends from mid-May through mid-November at the south end of the Reserve. Registration on is required for each outing. Registration will open on March 17. The BLM will announce hike dates and open registration two months before each hike. The registration links on will close three days prior to each hike.
The Las Vegas Field Office announces the closure of the of public lands near Laughlin from April 11 to 13 to minimize the risk of potential collisions between racers and spectators for the Legacy Battleground OHV Race.
PINEDALE, Wyo. — The Bureau of Land Management is opening a 15-day public scoping for the Dry Piney Helium and Carbon Sequestration Project proposed on public, private, and state lands near LaBarge in Sublette County. The project is estimated to be capable of producing more than 800 million cubic feet of bulk liquid helium per year from subsurface mineral estates.
Bureau of Land Management Vale District is advising visitors of dangerously high flows and very cold water temperatures on the Owyhee River below the Owyhee Dam.
Due to high fire danger and prolonged drought, the BLM is implementing fire restrictions on public land at the Fort Stanton - Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area and BLM lands around the community of Lincoln.
BISHOP, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office is offering a $1,500 reward for information on the individuals responsible for damaging petroglyph panels at the Volcanic Tableland, north of Bishop. The perpetrators vandalized three locations within the site.
BISHOP, Calif. – The Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service have approved a plan for the agencies to gather and remove excess wild horses that have roamed outside the Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Territory near Benton onto public and private lands, in accordance with the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burros Act of 1971.
High priority areas for this gather include, but are not limited to, horses located in the Mono Basin and horses along CA State Route 120 East and U.S. Highway 6.
Ruby Hill Mining Company, LLC, is authorized to build additional facilities on private lands and expand operations into additional subsurface federal mineral estate within existing approved boundaries.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on an environmental assessment in support of the proposed renewals of grazing authorizations for two allotments on public lands south of Phoenix.
The Bureau of Land Management today approved the Nevada North Lithium Exploration Project near Montello in Elko County.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Dillon Field Office has completed the Programmatic Vegetation Management Environmental Assessment (EA), which includes actions across 905,000 acres of public land in Beaverhead and Madison counties in southwest Montana. The EA will be available for public review starting March 5, 2025, with a 44-day comment period concluding on April 18, 2024.
The Bureau of Land Management has approved the Newcastle Geothermal Development project, which is expected to generate up to 20 megawatts of renewable energy on public lands near Newcastle in Iron County.
In its first year, the team covered 20,000 acres and collected over 1,000 points of vegetation data on both untreated lands and those previously treated for cheatgrass.
The Bureau of Land Management today approved the Final Pancake Complex Wild Horse Gather & Herd Management Plan for how wild horses will be managed within the Pancake Complex.
The Bureau of Land Management’s State Office today issued a decision to continue its wild horse gentling and adoption partnership with the Wyoming Department of Corrections.
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Bureau of Land Management Wyoming State Office leased 4 parcels totaling 2,443.11acres for $6,725,713 in total receipts for its quarterly oil and gas lease sale.