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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE

BLM to conduct aerial herbicide applications in northeastern Utah starting Sept. 15 2024

 The BLM Green River District Fire & Fuels Program will be conducting aerial herbicide treatments starting around Sept. 15 through Sept. 30, weather permitting.

Free guided archaeology walk planned for Headwaters Forest Reserve

ARCATA, Calif. – The story of Falk, a historic town and lumber mill in the Headwaters Forest Reserve, will be told in a free guided archaeology walk offered by the Bureau of Land Management, Saturday, Sept. 14, from 10 a.m. to noon. Participants should meet at the Elk River Trail parking area. Registration is not required.
California, Northern California DO

BLM, River Partners welcome volunteers for habitat restoration project

REDDING, Calif.— Volunteers are welcome to help the Bureau of Land Management and River Partners plant more than 30,000 trees along Battle Creek south of Anderson, kicking off a project to restore 150 acres of habitat critical for fish and other wildlife. The project is set for Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11 and 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day, at 3770 Gover Road, Anderson.
California, Northern California DO

BLM continues fuels reduction projects in King Range to reduce wildfire risk

The Bureau of Land Management will continue fuels reduction work in the King Range National Conservation Area to reduce the risk of wildfire and restore forest health. The work will begin in September and continue until February 2025. Work will occur along King Peak Road and the Paradise Royal Mountain Bike Trail.
Elko DO

Public input welcomed for Programmatic ESR & Weeds Environmental Assessment

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Elko District Office invites the public to provide input on the Programmatic ESR & Weeds Environmental Assessment (EA).
New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM, Friends group announce selection of local artist-in-residence

BLM and Friends of the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks announce the selection of Crystal Evans, a local Las Cruces artist, as this year’s artist-in-residence for the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument. 
Arizona, Safford FO

BLM seeks input on plans to modernize management of Arizona recreation sites

The Bureau of Land Management Arizona seeks public comments on six draft Recreation Business Plans from Sept. 6, 2024, to Oct. 21, 2024.

BLM Colorado hires Brian St. George as Associate State Director

BLM Colorado hires Brian St. George as Associate State Director

BLM seeks input for 2025 geothermal lease sale in southwestern Utah

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input for the environmental assessment of a proposed geothermal lease sale in southwestern Utah.
Wyoming, Lander FO

Improvements to Shoshone Lake Road wrapping up

Important work on the Shoshone Lake Road has greatly improved this popular recreational access route west of Lander.
New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM Las Cruces District installs cashless fee collection kiosks

The BLM Las Cruces District installed Remote Off-Grid Kiosks to process card payments instead of cash at Three Rivers Petroglyph Recreation Area, Aguirre Spring Campground and Dripping Springs Natural Area.