Rights of Way

A right of way authorizes specific use of parcels of public land for a specified period of time that is appropriate for the life of the project. The BLM has discretion to grant a ROW when doing so is in the public interest.

You need a ROW whenever you wish to build on public land or conduct any activity that would involve appreciable disturbance, alteration or damage to public lands. 

The ROW grant sets rental fees that reflect the value of the authorized use(s). 

Individuals and businesses may apply to obtain a right-of-way grant (ROW) to use specific pieces of public land for projects such as electric power or fiber optic lines, wind or solar energy generation, communications tower sites, roads or trails, canals, pipelines or reservoirs. 

Apply for a ROW 

ROW Sites

An array of solar panels

Solar and wind energy projects and communications sites are authorized as ROW sites. 

Linear ROW

A dirt road goes through the center and a line of large pipes is alongside.

Pipelines and powerlines of all sizes are authorized in linear ROWs, some of which are designated corridors

Rental Fees

Fees vary by the type of ROW: 

Rental fees for sites other than renewable energy and 25 acres or less in size are set by respective BLM State Offices. For larger sites, rental fees are determined after an appraisal.