Lands Potentially Available for Disposal
While the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) directs the BLM to retain most remaining public lands, it does authorize the BLM to dispose of public lands that meet certain criteria. These lands must be uneconomical or difficult to manage with respect to contiguous public lands, and disposal of a tract must meet specific public objectives.
The Recreation and Public Purposes (R&PP) Act also authorizes the BLM to dispose of lands for recreational use or other public purposes that benefit local communities or governments, or tribal governments.
Before any sale or exchange can be initiated, the lands must be identified as available for disposal in a resource management plan (RMP). The Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act (FLTFA), re-authorized in 2018, requires the BLM to maintain a database of lands currently identified as available for disposal.
Use the Lands Potentially Available for Disposal Web App to search current RMPs by state, BLM Field Office or geographic area.
Lands Potentially Available for Disposal Web App
Before the BLM takes any disposal action, we complete reviews and clearances in accordance with all federal laws, regulations and agency policy -- including appropriate analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act. Cadastral surveys, mineral potential reports and land-value appraisals determine fair market value.
FAQ | Federal Land Sales