Communications Sites
The BLM administers more than 1,500 communications sites on Federal public lands in the eleven Western states and Alaska. Right-of-way grants authorize construction and operation of more than 4,000 facilities -- ranging from radio and television transmitters to cellular and wireless broadband towers -- under regulations (43 CFR 2800) and supporting policies.
Most BLM communications sites are located at geographic elevations and have one or more facilities (towers, antennas, buildings, etc.) owned by private or governmental entities. The local BLM Field Office manages activities at each site under a resource management plan and a site-specific management plan.
Federal Interagency Broadband Permitting
The Federal Interagency Broadband Permitting Summit, hosted by BLM and NTIA, took place in July 2024, bringing together experts and representatives from various federal agencies. This important event featured 18 sessions that discussed key topics related to the Broadband Permitting Initiative.
Major themes included aspects of funding, the permitting process, compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and Section 106 requirements. Additionally, discussions covered tribal coordination, federal aid highways, as well as essential topics such as mapping and appraisals. The insights and information gathered during the summit are valuable resources for individuals and organizations involved in the telecommunications sector.
Federal Interagency Broadband Permitting Summit
Communications Uses on Public Lands
For new communications use projects, contact the local BLM Field Office to set up a pre-application meeting and discuss your proposed facilities. Bring as much information as possible from the Pre-Application Checklist to the meeting. The Field Office can provide examples of management plans for existing sites.
Regulations 43 CFR 2806.36(a, b & c) allow a cellular/wireless lessee to sub-lease space to other providers without additional authorization. The local Field Office can provide information on co-location opportunities in the area you are considering. The Field Office will begin processing your application once you have submitted a completed SF-299 Application for Right-of-Way.
Rental Fees for Communications Uses
The BLM rental schedule for communications-use ROWs and leases is based on the population served and the type of communications use(s) for which the ROW is granted.
Regulations require holders of communications-use authorizations to submit an Inventory Certification each year by October 15 to calculate rental fees for the upcoming year.
Additional billing information:
email: blm_commsite_paymentcenter@blm.gov
phone: 877-947-3705 (toll free)
By mail, or to submit an Inventory Certification in hard copy:
BLM Communication Use Billing Team OC-625
Bldg. 85 Denver Federal Center
P.O. Box 25047
Denver, CO 80225-0047