Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee
General Information
The Bears Ears Monument Advisory Committee (MAC) was established by presidential proclamation and its charter, which outlines the membership, roles, and responsibilities, was approved in fall 2018. Following a nomination period and thorough review of applications, the Secretary of the Interior appointed 15 members to the MAC the following April, and the first meeting was held in early June 2019. The members are all volunteers and citizens representing a variety of local interests and expertise including tribal representatives, cultural resources, paleontology, state and local government, livestock permittees and private landowners, local businesses, state and local government, recreation, conservation and hunting, and the public at large. The MAC's primary task is to provide consensus-based input on managing the Bears Ears National Monument.
The Bears Ears MAC is a type of Resource Advisory Council (RAC). The Bears Ears National Monument MAC members are volunteers and citizens representing a variety of local interests and expertise, including representatives of tribal concerns, cultural resources, paleontology, state and local government, livestock permittees and private landowners, local businesses, state and local government, recreation, conservation and hunting, and the public at large.
RACs were established by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (43 U.S.C. 1739), as citizen advisory groups to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). These citizen-based groups provide an opportunity for individuals from all backgrounds and interests to have a voice in the management of America's public lands, and to help improve their health and productivity. Members are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to serve 3-year terms and may be re-appointed. Each MAC consists of 10 to 15 members from diverse interests in local communities, including ranchers, environmental groups, tribes, state and local government officials, academics, and other public land users.
The Bears Ears National Monument MAC is just one way that local communities, interests, and voices are represented in the care and keeping of this important landscape. To learn more about the management of Bears Ears National Monument, visit our management homepage.
News & Events
- Next Bears Ears MAC Meeting
The last meeting was August 7-8. The public was able to attend the field trip on August 7th, and there was a virtual and in-person opportunity to participate on the 8th. Meetings are announced through news releases and the Federal Register.
Guests can join the meeting virtually on August 8th via Zoom.
- MAC Welcomes New Members
At the Bears Ears MAC’s June 2023 meeting, four new members were welcomed to the committee. Lee Bennett joins as a representative for archaeology. Shawn Ivins joins as a representative for livestock grazers/permittees. Louis Williams joins as a representative for Tribal interests. Dallin Tait joins as a representative for dispersed recreation. View a complete list of Bears Ears MAC members.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can be nominated to a Monument Advisory Committee (MAC)?
Calls for nominations are announced in the Federal Register and through news releases. During open nomination periods individuals may nominate themselves or others to serve on an advisory council. Nominees will be reviewed on the basis of their training, education, and knowledge of the council’s geographical area. Nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to consensus building and collaborative decision-making. All nominations must be include a completed application, at least one letter of reference, and any other information that speaks to the nominee's qualifications.
- How do I apply to be appointed to the BENM MAC?
All calls for nominations will be published in the Federal Register. For more information regarding the qualifications and composition of the BENM Monument Advisory Committee, please refer to the committee charter.
- What happens after a nomination is submitted?
The BLM and the Utah Governor’s Office review all nominations and make recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior also reviews all nomination packages and considers recommendations from the BLM and Utah Governor's Office prior to making final selections. The Department of the Interior sends appointment letters to approved advisory committee members.
- How often does the MAC meet? Can anyone attend?
The Bears Ears MAC is expected to meet 2-4 times per year. Meetings will be announced through news releases and the Federal Register. Meetings and field trips are generally open to the public to observe. Each meeting agenda includes 30 minutes or more for the public to speak directly to the MAC. Meeting notes will be posted to this website after they are reviewed and approved by the Committee Chairperson and Designated Federal Official. Nicollee Gaddis-Wyatt, the Canyon Country District Manager is the Designated Federal Official. At the first meeting, the MAC selected Bruce Adams to be their Chairperson, and Ryan Benally as the Vice-Chairperson.
- What are the differences between the Bears Ears Commission and the Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee?
The Bears Ears Monument Advisory Committee was outlined in the Presidential Proclamation designating the Monument in 2016. The advisory committee members are volunteers appointed by the Secretary of the Interior and serve in an advisory capacity. The role and the committee make-up is further defined in the Committee Charter. The Bears Ears Commission is comprised of representatives of the five Tribes referred to in Presidential Proclamation designating Bears Ears National Monument. The role of the commission is outlined in the intergovernmental agreement between the five Tribes, the USDA Forest Service and the BLM. The representatives work closely with the Federal Agencies on management of the monument.