MAC Resources
- MAC Resources
Monument Homepage
Current Membership (Updated Aug. 21, 2024)
MAC Charter (6/1/24)
43 CFR § 1784 Advisory Committees
Executive Order on Continuance of Advisory Committees
Application Form - What to Know About RACs
About RACs
RAC Roles and Responsibilities
Utah RAC
BENM MAC - General Information
The Secretary of the Interior, through the BLM, maintains an advisory committee for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 10286 (October 8, 2021) and its approved charter (June 1, 2024), which outlines membership roles and responsibilities. The committee's specific purpose is to provide information and advice regarding the development of the management plan and, as appropriate, management of the monument, including scientific research that occurs therein. This advisory committee shall consist of a fair and balanced representation of interested stakeholders, including State and local governments, Tribal Nations, recreational users, conservation organizations, educators, local business owners, private landowners, and the scientific community, which may include members with expertise in archaeology, paleontology, entomology, geology, botany, wildlife biology, social science, or systems ecology.
Contact Information
Harry Barber
District Manager & Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
Bureau of Land Management
Paria River District
669 S. Hwy 89A
Kanab, UT 84741
Phone: 435-644-1200
Fax: 435-644-1252
Email: hbarber@blm.govDavid Hercher
Public Affairs Specialist
Bureau of Land Management
Paria River District
669 S. Hwy 89A
Kanab, UT 84741
Phone: 435-899-0415
Email: dhercher@blm.gov
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can be nominated to a Monument Advisory Committee (MAC)?
Calls for nominations are announced in the Federal Register and through news releases. During open nomination periods individuals may nominate themselves or others to serve on an advisory council. Nominees will be reviewed on the basis of their training, education, and knowledge of the council’s geographical area. Nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to consensus building and collaborative decision-making. All nominations must include a completed and signed application, at least one letter of reference, and any other information that speaks to the nominee's qualifications (i.e. resume).
- How do I apply to be appointed to the GSENM MAC?
Future calls for nominations are published in the Federal Register. For more information regarding the qualifications and composition of the GSENM Monument Advisory Committee, please refer to the committee charter.
- How do you submit a nomination?
Please use the RAC Application form here to submit a nomination for a MAC or a RAC. Please note this is a standard form for RACs, if you have questions about how to use it in applying for a MAC, please contact the MAC coordinator listed on the right- hand side of this page. Nominations should be mailed or emailed by the closing date on the call for nominations to the point of contact for the MAC.
- What happens after a nomination is submitted?
The BLM and the Utah Governor’s Office review all nominations and make recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior also reviews all nomination packages and considers recommendations from the BLM and Utah Governor's Office prior to making final selections. The Department of the Interior sends appointment letters to approved advisory committee members.
- How often does the MAC meet? Can anyone attend?
The Grand Staircase-Escalante MAC is expected to meet two-four times per year. Meetings will be announced through news releases and the Federal Register. Meetings and field trips are generally open to the public to observe and also include time for the public to speak to the MAC. Meeting notes will be posted to this website after they are reviewed and approved by the Committee Chairperson and Designated Federal Official. Paria River District Manager Harry Barber is the Designated Federal Official.