Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee Members 

Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee members are volunteers appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to provide recommendations and advice to the Bureau of Land Management and the USDA Forest Service about the management of Bears Ears National Monument. The agencies are grateful for their service and contributions, time and willingness to share their expertise.


Member Category Term Expires
Local Elected Official Jamie Harvey March 7, 2027
State Government Mark Boshell April 13, 2025
Paleontology Vacant  
Archaeology Vacant  
Conservation Eve Tallman April 13, 2025
Livestock Grazers/Permittees Shawn Ivins June 7, 2026
Tribal Interests Vacant  
Tribal Interests Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk April 13, 2025
Tribal Interests Louis Williams June 7, 2026
Developed Recreation Denyce White April 13, 2025
Dispersed Recreation Dallin Tait June 7, 2026
Private Landowners Vacant  
Local Business Owners Vacant  
Public at Large Angelo Baca April 13, 2025
Public at Large Vacant