
BLM revitalizes community garden at Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area

BLM Eastern States Lower Potomac Field Station staff recently began rejuvenating the community garden at Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area located in Lorton, Virginia

Improving mental health by visiting your public lands

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Promoting mental health is important all year, but this month let’s take a moment to raise awareness about mental illness, its prevalence, its impacts on people.

GAOA project makes remote badlands more accessible to all

Major improvements funded by the Great American Outdoors Act have improved access to the colorful desert, cliffs, hoodoos and pedestals of the Gooseberry Badlands in northwest Wyoming.

Phoenix District staff blaze a trail in recreational shooting site management

Since recreational shooting sites are a new type of facility for the BLM, district staff and volunteers have used innovation to develop these popular new sites in the Phoenix District.