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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
California, Central California DO

BLM Central California District to host virtual Resource Advisory Council meeting

EL DORADO HILLS, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is hosting a virtual public meeting of the Central California Resource Advisory Council (RAC) on Wednesday, Sept. 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The business meeting will include a public comment period and the agenda topics can be reviewed in advance.

BLM Missouri Basin RAC to meet Sept. 11 in Glasgow

The Bureau of Land Management Missouri Basin Resource Advisory Council will meet Sept. 11, 2024, in Glasgow, Montana, for their regular business meeting.
Color Country DO

BLM invites public input on proposed enhanced geothermal power project

The BLM is inviting the public to comment on the Fervo Cape Geothermal Power Project draft environmental assessment through September 20, 2024.
Wyoming, High Desert DO

BLM and partners hold September wild horse and burro adoption events in Wyoming, Nebraska

Events will be held September 7, 14, 20 and 28. Trained and untrained animals will be offered to qualified adopters for a $125 minimum fee.
Wyoming, Casper FO

Trails Center to host living history event, Pioneer Trail Trek this weekend

From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, local re-enactment group, The Platte Bridge Company, will be at the Trails Center to showcase life on the frontier.
Northwest DO, Kremmling FO

Kremmling Field Office to enter stage 1 fire restrictions in Grand and Larimer Counties

Kremmling Field Office to enter stage 1 fire restrictions in Grand and Larimer Counties
Utah, Canyon Country DO

The BLM announces the selection for 2024 Canyon Country Artist in Residence

2024 Canyon Country Artist in Residence — Suzanne Jackson of Basalt, CO. Jackson will be with us October 8 – 29, adventuring out in this glorious landscape to inspire her beautiful plein air paintings and sketches.
Wyoming, High Desert DO

BLM begins dam removal work at Wildcat Canyon stock pond

BLM works on controlling erosion in the Greater LaBarge Restoration Landscape.
Idaho, Boise DO

Wild horses to be gathered from burned Idaho rangelands

Sands Basin and Four Mile Herd Management Areas burned by Jump and Paddock fires

Hunter Valley Mountain Access Road closed due to fire restrictions in the Mother Lode Field Office

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Mother Lode Field Office is temporarily closing motorized vehicle access to the Hunter Valley Mountain Access Road in Mariposa County, where it crosses onto BLM lands, approximately one mile from the junction of Hunter Valley Mountain Access Road with Bear Valley Road. The closure is effective today, Thursday, August 15, and will be in effect until fire restrictions are lifted for the season. The closure of the Hunter Valley Mountain Access Road is not to be confused with the Hunter Valley Road which remains open. The Hunter Valley Road is located approximately two miles east of the Hunter Valley Mountain Access Road along Bear Valley Road. The temporary closure order can be found on the BLM website.
California, Northern California DO

Access to recreation trails restricted while fire damage is repaired

Public access to parts of three recreation trails in the west Redding area will be restricted while crews from the Bureau of Land Management repair damages related to the Lower Fire which broke out Aug. 10 near the community of Shasta.