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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Montana-Dakotas, North Central DO

BLM Selects Monument Manager to Lead North Central Montana District

Zane Fulbright, previously the manager of the district’s Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, brings a wealth of experience to apply to his new role as district manager of the North Central Montana District.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Bureau of Land Management re-opens Rainie Falls Trail

The Bureau of Land Management Grants Pass Field Office is excited to announce that repair work has finished on the Rainie Falls Trail nearly three months ahead of schedule.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

BLM Medford District rescinds closure order for Salt Creek and Upper Applegate fires

The Bureau of Land Management Medford District is reopening public lands within and near the Salt Creek Fire and the Upper Applegate Fire.
Oregon-Washington, Vale DO

Reward offered for information relating to Cow Valley Fire and others

Oregon Cattlemen’s Association and the BLM are offering an $8,000 reward for information leading to the identification of individual(s) responsible for starting the Cow Valley wildfire and others near Malheur Reservoir.
Oregon-Washington, Vale DO

Vale Bureau of Land Management lifting fire restrictions effective Sept. 21

With recent cooler, wetter weather reducing fire danger levels, Vale BLM is lifting fire restrictions as of 12:01a.m. Saturday, Sept. 21. A regional OR/WA BLM Fire Prevention Order will remain in effect until October 31.
California, Applegate FO

BLM Resource Advisory Council to meet in Cedarville

The Bureau of Land Management Northern California District Resource Advisory Council will convene for a field tour and meeting, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 25 and 26, in Cedarville. The tour and meeting are open to the public.
New Mexico, Carlsbad FO

BLM announces public meeting and comment period for proposed Cowboy Solar Project

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on the proposed Cowboy Solar project, which if approved could generate up to 200 megawatts of renewable energy on approximately 2,528 acres of public lands in Eddy County.
Nevada, Ely DO

BLM land sale generates $477,500 for projects

On 9/12/24, BLM Ely District sold 5 parcels totaling 481.5 acres generating $477,500 under LCCRDA and WPCCRDA. Proceeds may be used for natural resources, recreation and wilderness in Lincoln and White Pine Counties, NV.
Nevada, Humboldt River FO

BLM issues analysis for proposed expansion of the Colado Mine Project in Nevada

BLM’s final environmental analysis of a proposed expansion of the Colado Mine in Pershing County is now available online for public review.

BLM, USDA Forest Service seek input on proposed Cross-Tie 500-kV Transmission Project connecting Nevada and Utah power grids

BLM and Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest are announcing the release of the Final EIS, U.S.D.A Forest Service Draft Record of Decision, and pre-decisional objection review for the Cross-Tie 500-kilovolt Transmission Project.
Nevada, Pahrump FO

BLM seeks input on proposed Copper Rays Solar Project in Nevada

The Bureau of Land Management has opened a 90-day comment period on the Copper Rays Solar Project, a proposed 700- megawatt photovoltaic solar project on about 4,414 acres of BLM land in Nye County, Nevada.