BLM streamlines aquatic habitat restoration activities in Alaska for future restoration

Media Contact
Charlie Ebbers

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) finalized a framework to increase the pace and scale of aquatic and riparian restoration projects on BLM-managed lands impacted by historic land use.  

Restoration of previously impacted streams and valley bottoms is key to improving ecosystem health and increasing watershed resilience against floods, scouring, and the impacts of climate change. This decision positions the BLM to complete restoration and rehabilitation activities on up to five miles of stream and associated valley bottoms annually for the next 25 years. 

The BLM reached this decision after preparing an environmental assessment (EA) that analyzed a suite of aquatic and riparian habitat restoration and rehabilitation activities, ranging from low-tech projects (hand built) to intensive techniques that require earth-moving equipment. By analyzing the potential effects of various restoration methods programmatically, the BLM will streamline stream restoration project approvals and improve important aquatic habitat over time.  

The BLM made the programmatic EA available for a 30-day public comment period that closed May 1, 2024. The final programmatic EA incorporates responses to public comments received as well as new and relevant information. To review the final programmatic environmental assessment (EA), Finding of No Significant Impact, and Decision Record, visit the BLM National NEPA Register project page.