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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Wyoming, Casper FO

BLM reevaluates Muddy Mountain Road closure, keeps road open until further notice

The Bureau of Land Management has reevaluated its decision to close Muddy Mountain Road on Dec. 2 following an assessment of weather forecasts for the Casper area. The road will remain open until further notice.

Utah, Cedar City FO

BLM sets aside land for proposed solar project in Beaver County

The Bureau of Land Management is temporarily setting aside roughly 5,159 acres of public lands associated with the proposed 600-megawatt Star Range Solar Project near Milford in Beaver County.
California, Palm Springs-South Coast FO

BLM seeks camp host for Mule Mountain Long Term Visitor Area

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is looking for a volunteer to serve as a campground host at Coon Hollow campground in Mule Mountain Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA).
Wyoming, Casper FO

BLM Casper to burn slash piles in Natrona County

The Bureau of Land Management plans to burn slash piles this winter in Natrona County. The pile burns will reduce material accumulated from previous fuels reduction projects.

Colorado, Southwest DO

BLM Colorado offers personal use permits to harvest Christmas trees, firewood

The Bureau of Land Management is now offering permits to cut Christmas trees on specified public lands across Colorado until Dec. 24 either online or at most BLM field offices. 
California, El Centro FO

BLM schedules DUI checkpoints on public land within Imperial County

Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Rangers will conduct driving under the influence (DUI) and registration checkpoints from noon to 2 a.m., Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, on BLM-managed public lands in Imperial County, within the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area.
Colorado, Grand Junction FO

BLM, Mesa County project upgrades well-traveled portion of 18 Road

The Bureau of Land Management and Mesa County are working with the Federal Highway Administration on a project to reconstruct and pave about six miles of 18 Road to improve public safety and access to the North Fruita Desert Special Recreation Management Area.
Wyoming, Newcastle FO

BLM High Plains District lifts fire resctrictions

Fire restrictions have been lifted for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the Buffalo, Casper and Newcastle field offices.

National Office

BLM announces new members for the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board and next meeting in California

The Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service have appointed three members to the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. The next meeting is Jan. 7-9, 2025 at The Officer’s Club in Sacramento, California. 
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

Forest Service and BLM to Begin Emergency Wild Horse Gather in Murderers Creek Area

The USDA Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management will initiate an emergency wild horse gather in the Murderers Creek Joint Management Area starting Monday, November 25, 2024.
Nevada, Winnemucca DO

Christmas tree permits will be available on the Winnemucca District

The Winnemucca District will have Christmas tree cutting permits available for purchase starting Nov. 25 through Dec. 24.