Wells Field Office issues decision on the O’Neil Final Environmental Assessment for sage grouse habitat restoration

Media Contact
Heather O'Hanlon

ELKO, Nev. –The Elko District, Wells Field Office has issued a Decision Record (DR) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the O’Neil Project Planning Area Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) for the treatments on 208,000 acres to improve and protect Greater sage-grouse (GRSG) habitat in Northeastern Nevada.   

“Over a 10-year period, the Wells field staff will implement a variety of vegetation treatments designed to protect, improve, and restore habitat for various wildlife species, primarily GRSG in the O’Neil PPA located in northeastern Elko County, Nevada,” said Jared Bybee, Elko District Manager. 

Treatment options will include but are not limited to, reseeding, conifer removal, fuel break developments, noxious weed treatments, seedling plantings and invasive grass and forbs treatments. Treatment efforts will be designed to have minimal impacts to multiple uses of public lands in vicinity of the project area. 

The need for the project was identified as conservation, enhancement, and the protection of habitat that are at substantial risk from wildfire due to hazardous fuels at the landscape level.  

The DR, FONSI, and O’Neil PPA FEA documents can be viewed on the BLM National NEPA Register

For more information, contact Brandie Braun at 775-753-0200. 

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