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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
California, California Desert DO

BLM schedules DUI checkpoints on public land within Imperial County

Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Rangers will conduct driving under the influence (DUI) and registration checkpoints from noon to 2 a.m., Dec. 27 to Dec. 31, 2024, on BLM-managed public lands in Imperial County, within the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area.
Idaho, Pocatello FO

BLM seeks input on proposed Caldwell Canyon Phosphate Mine

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on the draft environmental analysis for the Caldwell Canyon Phosphate Mine proposed mine and reclamation plan revision.
Colorado, Colorado River Valley FO

BLM publishes rule to protect public land, promote public safety in Western Slope

The Bureau of Land Management published a final supplementary rule to protect natural resources and promote public health and safety in the Federal Register today. The rule applies to public lands and BLM facilities managed by the Colorado River Valley Field Office, Grand Junction Field Office, Kremmling Field Office, and Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. BLM will implement the supplementary rule 30 days after today’s publication.
Colorado, Tres Rios FO

BLM implements recreation decisions for Tres Rios and Gunnison field office public lands

The BLM has finalized a supplementary rule implementing decisions related to travel, day-use areas, camping, and wildlife habitat in the Tres Rios Field Office and the Silverton area of the Gunnison Field Office.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Call for Applications: Artist in Residence Program at Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

The Bureau of Land Management invites artists to apply for the annual Artist-in-Residence program. The selected artist receives a one- to two-week residency at the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in the month of June.

BLM Colorado welcomes new Deputy State Director for Support Services and State Fire Management Officer

BLM Colorado is pleased to announce that Karren Haslam and Tyko Isaacson have joined the team filling key leadership roles at the State Office.

BLM acquires Queens Crown parcel in southcentral Idaho

The Bureau of Land Management today announced acquisition of the 281-acre Queens Crown parcel bordering the Blaine County Transfer Station in southcentral Idaho. BLM acquired the parcel from the Wood River Land Trust with money from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
New Mexico, Rio Puerco FO

BLM seeks input for proposed $1 fee increase at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to increase the standard amenity fee at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.
Nevada, Humboldt River FO

BLM seeks input for proposed natural gas pipeline near Valmy

The BLM is seeking public comments on the proposed Valmy Lateral Pipeline Project, which would consist of a 16-mile, 24-inch buried natural gas pipeline between the existing Ruby Pipeline and the Valmy Power Plant.
Colorado, Royal Gorge FO

Browns Canyon National Monument recognized as stargazing destination with new Dark Sky Park certification

Browns Canyon National Monument has been certified as an International Dark Sky Park by DarkSky International.
Wyoming, Newcastle FO

BLM invites public participation in Nebraska land use plan revision process

The BLM is offering in-person public meetings in Scottsbluff and Valentine, Neb., to provide information and solicit feedback during the Draft RMP comment period.