Wildcat Loadout Facility (2024-015)

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) requested information relating to the approval and amended or modified ROW UTU-048027 as well as all records related to the initial approval and all amendments DOI-BLM UT-G020-2023-0013-EA and federal ROW UTU-048027.
Date range:
- Oct. 16, 2014 on or around for the decision letter(s).
- Apr. 19, 2022 on or around for the decision letter(s)
- July 8, 2023, to date of the request for all related records of the Wildcat Loadout Facility ROWA amendment.
This FOIA request pertains to ROW UTU-048027 and Amendment DOI-BLMUT-G020-2023-0013-EA and federal ROW UTU-048027.