BLM Utah Communications
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Utah strives to provide excellent customer service to reporters, editors, and producers and to maintain productive relationships with members of the press. Our goal is to provide useful information that will help tell our story accurately on issues important to the public we serve. We strive to treat all members of the press with integrity, fairness, and respect.
When working with the BLM, please keep in mind that depending on the issue and complexity of your inquiry, public affairs specialists may need to consult with several subject matter experts and managers to respond. This coordination can take some time. We work as hard as we can to meet your deadlines, but if you are working on a detailed or complex story, please reach out to us as soon as possible. If you are writing about national issues, or Department of the Interior-level actions and priorities, we also may take longer to respond to appropriately coordinate with our Headquarters Office. Additionally, there are times when we receive dozens of inquiries in one day and it may take additional time to respond on an emerging high-profile issue.
How to work with us
BLM Utah consists of state office and district office public affairs specialists. If you have an issue or inquiry regarding a local issue or action, please reach out to the local district office. Our administration map can be found on the BLM.gov website.
Stay updated
Email cjudd@blm.gov and jmallory@blm.gov to be added to BLM Utah’s press contact list. You can also follow us on:
***If you are not a member of the press, and you have questions for the BLM, please check the Offices tab on our homepage for contact information for visitor centers and public room staff.***
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is it taking BLM Utah so long to get back to me?
We are a small team that receives many inquiries from the public, congressional staff and members, government officials, and the press, especially when there are controversial or emerging issues in the media concerning the Bureau of Land Management. We are committed to providing accurate information and researching and preparing that information takes time and coordination among many different experts.
- Where can I find more information on the status of BLM Utah projects, resource management plans, and other NEPA-related documents?
The Bureau of Land Management shares NEPA and planning documents on the BLM National NEPA Register (ePlanning).
- Where can I find oil and gas and mining projects and mining claims and lease information?
The Mineral & Land Records System (MLRS) is designed to improve the customer experience and optimize workflows for the BLM. With MLRS, you can research land status, discover mining activity, file new claims, pay your fees, and manage all related mining claim activity online with the BLM.
- Can I get a BLM representative to provide an interview on a weekend?
The Bureau of Land Management strives to share our perspective on breaking news stories and representatives may be available on weekends. We cannot guarantee availability, but we will do our best to be responsive.
- Will BLM Utah analyze data or create maps and data charts for my story?
As a standard practice, the Bureau of Land Management does not develop new maps for the press. We may have existing products included on our Frequently Requested Maps webpage. The BLM Geospatial Business Platform Hub provides access to public domain data that you may use. Please be aware that, while we do our best to keep this website updated and accurate, the data that you are using may change frequently.