Leasing Process

The environmental review process for developing oil and gas resources is multi-faceted and includes input and coordination with other federal and state agencies, as well as the public.  

Members of the public, typically industry representatives, nominate lands they wish to lease, but before they can be included in a sale, the parcels are reviewed for compliance with the area’s Resource Management Plan and other factors such as resource conflicts that might make the lands unavailable. The National Fluid Lease Sale System includes information on current and upcoming BLM lease sales.

Regional Oil and Gas Lease Sales

The BLM’s lease sales and NEPA process include a 30-day scoping period, 30-day comment period on the environmental assessment and 30-day protest period. The BLM will also ensure applicable Tribal consultation is current. The BLM’s leasing decisions take public comments into account it received during the NEPA process and will further evaluate points raised in any protests received.

Through the links below, find upcoming regional lease sale information, historical documents, and related resources.