Oil and gas numbers from BLM CA.

California Oil and Gas Lease Sales 

BLM California conducts oil and gas lease sales in accordance with federal law. Lease parcels are made up of lands that have been determined to be available for leasing through BLM’s land use planning process, and are either nominated or requested by the public. Once parcels are leased, operators are required to submit exploration or development proposals to BLM who conducts an environmental analysis and applies measures to mitigate impacts before work begins.

Half of the royalties from mineral development and leasing goes back to the States.

View oil and gas lease sale notices and results below. 


The Bureau of Land Management is exercising its discretion to not hold lease sales in the second quarter of Calendar Year 2021. More information: blm.gov/press-release/statement-second-quarter-oil-and-gas-lease-sales.


2020 California Oil and Gas Lease Sale Information


There are no oil and gas lease sales planned at this time.


There are no oil and gas lease sales planned at this time.


There are no oil and gas lease sales planned at this time.


There are no oil and gas lease sales planned at this time.


There are no oil and gas lease sales planned at this time.


September 2014 Lease Sale (Postponed)

December 2014 Lease  Sale (Postponed)


May 22, 2013 Lease Sale (Postponed)