BLM Utah conducts quarterly oil and gas lease sales in accordance with the Mineral Leasing Act, when eligible lands are available for lease. Lease parcels are made up of lands that have been nominated by the public and are determined to be open for leasing through BLM’s land use planning process. Once parcels are leased, operators are required to submit exploration or development proposals to BLM who conducts an environmental analysis and applies measures to mitigate impacts before work begins.

Half of the royalties from mineral development and leasing goes back to the States.

Not all lands that are leased become developed. Leasing enables companies to secure rights to mineral resources before investing in geophysical testing and other kinds of exploratory techniques to determine if development is economically feasible. Less than one percent of all BLM-managed public lands are developed for oil and gas resources.

If you would like to nominate lands for a lease sale, please submit an Expression of Interest. As of June 2, 2018, BLM Utah requests all Expressions of Interest be submitted through the National Fluid Lease Sale System (NFLSS) at https://nflss.blm.gov/. Visit the Expression of Interest webpage for more information.

The BLM conducts lease sales online via www.energynet.com(link is external). Please refer to each Notice of Competitive Lease Sale (NCLS) for more information on how to register, bid and spectate at online oil and gas lease auctions.

National Historic Preservation Act and Leasing

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), leasing has been determined as both an action (NEPA; 40 C. F. R. 1508.18a) and an undertaking (NHPA; 36 C. F. R. 800.16y). As such, and per 36 C. F. R. 800.8(a)(1): Federal agencies are encouraged to coordinate compliance with section 106 and the procedures in this part with any steps taken to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Agencies should consider their section 106 responsibilities as early as possible in the NEPA process, and plan their public participation, analysis, and review in such a way that they can meet the purposes and requirements of both statutes in a timely and efficient manner. 

If you have input regarding BLM's responsibilities for managing historic properties, and would like to be a consulting party, please follow the links below to the relevant lease sale NEPA document, and select "How to Get Involved."

View current and recent oil and gas lease sale notices and results below.

2025 Lease Sales

Q2 2025 Lease Sale:

Q3 2025 Lease Sale:

2023 Lease Sales
December 12, 2023
Green River District
(Vernal Field Office)

The link below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the sale results, NCLS, environmental documents, parcel lists, maps, and shape files for the fourth quarter 2023 oil and gas lease sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2023-0003-EA

September 26, 2023
Color Country District
(Richfield Field Office)

The link below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the sale results, NCLS, environmental documents, parcel lists, maps, and shape files for the third quarter 2023 oil and gas lease sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2023-0001-EA

2022 Lease Sales
Week of June 28, 2022: Internet-Based
Green River District
(Vernal Field Office)

The BLM selected the No Action Alternative analyzed in Environmental Assessment DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2021-0007-EA. 

Sale Information

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the environmental documents for the Second Quarter 2022 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2021-0007-EA 

2021 Lease Sales
Week of March 29, 2021:  Internet-Based
Canyon Country District 
(Moab Field Office)
Green River District (Vernal Field Office)
Fishlake National Forest

The oil and gas lease sale scheduled for March 29, 2021 has been postponed.

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the EA, parcel list, maps, and shape files for the March 2021 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2021-0002-EA 

2020 Lease Sales

March 10, 2020:  Internet-Based
Green River District
 (Vernal Field Office)

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the environmental documents, parcel lists, maps, and shape files for the March 2020 Oil and Gas Lease Sale. 

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2020-0001-OTHER_NEPA 

June 2020 Oil and Gas Lease Sale
Canyon Country District (Moab Field Office)
Grand and San Juan Counties

The oil and gas lease parcels that were originally scheduled to be identified in the Notice of Competitive Lease Sale and protest period for June 2020 have been incorporated into the September 2020 oil and gas lease sale.

September 29, 2020:  Internet-Based
Color Country District (Richfield Field Office)
Green River District (Price and Vernal Price Field Offices)
West Desert District (Fillmore Field Office)
Duchesne, Emery, Juab, Sanpete, Sevier, and Uintah Counties

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the EA, NCLS, maps, and shape files for the September 2020 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2020-0004-EA 

December 8, 2020:  Internet-Based
Color Country District
(Cedar City Field Office)
Canyon Country District& (Moab Field Office)
Green River District (Vernal Field Office)
Grand, Iron, and Uintah Counties

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the EA, NCLS, maps, and shape files for the December 2020 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2020-0005-EA 

2019 Lease Sales

March 25-26, 2019: Two-Day Internet-Based
Vernal and Salt Lake Field Offices

(Box Elder, Daggett, Duchesne, Grand, Summit, and Uintah Counties)

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page located on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning) where you can navigate to the environmental documents, maps and shape files for the March 2019 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2019-0001-OTHER_NEPA

June 11, 2019: Internet-Based
Salt Lake Field Office

(Box Elder County)

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the environmental documents, maps and shape files for the June 2019 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2019-0002-OTHER-NEPA

September 9-11, 2019: Three-Day Internet-Based
Color Country, Green River, Canyon Country Districts and Salt Lake Field Office

(Carbon, Daggett, Duchesne, Grand, Iron, Morgan, Rich, San Juan, Sanpete, Sevier, and Uintah Counties) 

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the EAs, maps and shape files for the September 2019 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2019-0003-OTHER_NEPA

December 10, 2019: Internet-Based
Canyon Country and Green River Districts, and Richfield Field Office
(Carbon, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Sanpete, Sevier, and Uintah Counties)

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the environmental documents, parcel lists, maps, and shape files for the December 2019 Oil and Gas Lease Sale. 

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2019-0005_Other-NEPA-EA

2018 Lease Sales

March 20, 2018: Internet-Based
Canyon Country District Office
(Grand and San Juan Counties)

The EA, unsigned findings of no significant impact (FONSI), DNA, Protests and shape files for the March 2018 Oil and Gas Lease Sale are available on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA Register (ePlanning).

Links provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the above listed items.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2017-0240-EA
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2017-0285-DNA

June 12, 2018: Internet-Based
Color Country District Office, Vernal Field Office, Utah; and Pocatello Field Office, Idaho

(Beaver, Sevier, Wayne, Duchesne Counties, Utah and Bonneville County, Idaho)

The EAs, DNAs, unsigned findings of no significant impact (FONSIs) and shape files for the June 2018 Oil and Gas Lease Sale are available on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning). 

Links provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the EA, DNAs, etc.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-C020-2018-0005-EA
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-C010-2018-0004-DNA
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-G010-2018-0046-DNA

September 11, 2018: Internet-Based
West Desert District, Price and Richfield Field Offices

(Emery, Juab, Rich, Summit, Utah and Wayne Counties)

The EAs, unsigned findings of no significant impact (FONSIs) and shape files for the September 2018 Oil and Gas Lease Sale are available on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning).

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the EAs, unsigned finding of no significant impact (FONSI), and shape files for the September 2018 Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2018-0001-EA

December 11, 2018: Internet-Based

The link provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page located on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning) where you can navigate to five environmental documents, maps and shape files for the December 2018 Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale.

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-0000-2018-0003-OTHER_NEPA

2017 Lease Sales

March 23, 2017: Internet-Based
Canyon Country District Office
(Grand and San Juan Counties)

The Decision Record, findings of no significant impact (FONSIs), EAs, protests and responses for the March 2017 Oil and Gas Lease Sale are available on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning).

Links provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the above listed items.

Canyon Country District EA
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-Y020-2016-0042-EA

June 13, 2017: Internet-Based
Color Country District Office

(Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier, Wayne and Washington Counties)

The Decision Record, findings of no significant impact (FONSIs), EAs, protests and responses for the June 2017 Oil and Gas Lease Sale are available on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning).

Links provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the above listed items.

Richfield Field Office EA, Signed Decision Record and FONSI
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-C020-2017-0001-EA

September 12, 2017: Internet-Based
West Desert District

(Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Juab, Millard, Morgan, Rich, Salt Lake, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch and Weber Counties)

The Decision Record, findings of no significant impact (FONSIs), EAs, protests and responses for the September 2017 Oil and Gas Lease Sale are available on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning).

Links provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the above listed items.

Fillmore Field Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2017-0001-EA

St. George Field Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-C030-2017-0010-EA

December 12, 2017: Internet-Based
Green River District
(Carbon, Daggett, Duchesne, Emery and Uintah Counties)

The Decision Record, findings of no significant impact (FONSIs), EAs, protests and responses for the December 2017 Oil and Gas Lease Sale are available on the BLM Land Use Planning and NEPA register (ePlanning).

Links provided below will take you to the NEPA project home page where you can navigate to the above listed items.

Vernal Field Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-G010-2017-0028-EA

Price Field Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2017-0030-EA

2016 Lease Sales

December 13, 2016: Internet-Based

Green River District

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-G010-2016-0033-EA

February 16, 2016

West Desert/Green River/Canyon Country Districts/Fishlake National Forest

West Desert District Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2015-0004-EA

Green River District Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-G021-2015-0031-EA (Price Field Office)
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-G010-2015-0089-EA (Vernal Field Office)

Canyon Country District Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2015-0186-EA

2015 Lease Sales

May 19, 2015

Cedar City and Richfield Field Offices

Cedar City Field Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-C010-2015-0009-EA

Richfield Field Office
NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2014-0036-EA

February 17, 2015

Canyon Country District

NEPA number DOI-BLM-UT-Y020-2014-026

Point of Contact

Aaron Goodman
Associate Deputy Sate Director, Lands and Minerals
Telephone: 801-539-4123
Email: agoodman@blm.gov

Utah State Office
440 West 200 South, Suite 500
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Email: blm_ut_lease_sales@blm.gov *

*Please do not submit comments on Applications for Permit to Drill (APDs) to the above address. Any comments on APDs submitted here will not be addressed.