BLM Nevada Archaeology
The Historic Mill Site at American Flat

The United Comstock Merger Mill, commonly known as the American Flat Mill, was a cyanide mill constructed in 1922 south of Gold Hill on the eastern portion of American Flat near Virginia City. This mill represented one of the last large-scale efforts to mine and mill ore on the Comstock. The “last gasp” of the Comstock was unsuccessful, and the mill closed in 1926. After abandonment, the mill became a popular local gathering spot, and unfortunately, a physical safety hazard. In late 2014, the BLM demolished the mill after reaching an agreement with the Nevada SHPO about how the mill would be documented and how that information would be shared with the public. This website highlights some of the interpretive projects completed to share this piece of Comstock history with the public.
For more information check out:
The Archeology Show podcast: The American Flat Mill near Virginia City, Nevada EP-87
The American Flat Mill: Icon of the Comstock
- Cultural Resources Use Permits (CRUP)
All persons conducting archaeological fieldwork on BLM lands in Nevada are required to hold a valid CRUP prior to beginning fieldwork. For more information on the types of permits issued by BLM Nevada or for information on the qualifications necessary to obtain a permit, please see Appendix B of the BLM Nevada’s Guidelines and Standards for Archaeological Inventory Sixth Edition (April 2019) (Guidelines).
CRUP Application Procedures
Nevada State Office staff examine each application upon receipt to determine if it meets the requirements outlined in current Guidelines. Applications lacking necessary information or required documentation will be withheld from further review until the needed information or documentation is provided. When missing information has been requested but not received within 10 working days, the application may be closed and the applicant notified.
Permits issued by the BLM Nevada State Office are only valid for cultural resources investigations on lands managed by the BLM Nevada State Office. For cultural resources investigations on Indian lands, State Lands or on other federally administered lands, permits must be issued by the appropriate agency.
Survey/Recordation Cultural Resources Use Permits (CRUP)
A complete application would include:
Cultural Resource Use Permit Application; Summary of applicants’ abilities to carry out the work requested; Resumes of all individuals to be considered for permitting at the Principal Investigator (PI) or Crew Chief (CC) level; Work time documentation tables for all proposed PIs and CCs; Copy of current curation agreement; and Copy of current Nevada State Antiquities Permit if the area of cultural resources investigation is known or likely to affect private or non-federal public lands.Renewal requests should also include any status changes in company contact information (e.g., change in address, telephone numbers, email addresses), as well as any requested changes in personnel (deletions or additions of PIs or CCs from the permit). Any requested additions or reclassifications of personnel to the permit must also include copies of resumes and work time documentation tables.
CRUP Modification
All Permit modification requests must be requested in writing by the Permit Administrator.
Modifications involve any changes to the permit including adding or removing key personnel (PIs and CCs). If the modification requests the addition of Key Personnel, a resume and documentation of experience must be included for each person.
Application/Request Submissions
All new CRUP and PRUP applications, including new permits, permit renewals, and permit modifications, should be submitted electronically to the Lead Archaeologist/Deputy Preservation Officer. Digital copies of the forms necessary are available in PDF format by clicking on the appropriate link on the right side of the screen. MS Word versions are available through a request to the Lead Archaeologist/Deputy Preservation Officer.
CRUP Renewal
The request for permit renewal must be submitted in writing, and must be requested by the Permit Administrator. The Permit Administrator is the name of the individual listed in Box 9 of the Cultural Resources Use Permit.
Renewal requests must include:
request for renewal on company letterhead; for survey/recordation permits, a list of all projects undertaken under the existing permit during the previous period of authorization, and the status of the fieldwork and/or reports associated with each project; for ARPA permits involving removal of artifacts, the status of the testing or excavation report and anticipated timeframe for its completion, as well as status of the collected artifacts, including any curation receipts received; copy of current curation agreement; and copy of current Nevada Antiquities Permit, as appropriate.- Signed MOA addressing any adverse effects
Excavation and/or Removal Cultural Resources Use Permits (CRUP)
A complete application would include:
Cultural Resource Use Permit Application; Summary of applicants’ abilities to carry out the work requested; Resumes of all individuals to be considered for permitting at the Principal Investigator (PI) or Crew Chief (CC) level; Work time documentation tables for all proposed PIs and CCs; Copy of current curation agreement; and Copy of current Nevada State Antiquities Permit if the area of cultural resources investigation is known or likely to affect private or non-federal public lands. Copy of the Treatment Plan Statement from the BLM Authorized Officer regarding consultation with Native American Tribes SHPO Correspondence indicating concurrence with the treatment plan - CRUP Forms
Application for Permit for Archeological Investigations
Nevada Documentation of Experience
- Report Forms
- Nevada Architectural Resource Assessment (NARA)