Guidelines and Standards for Archaeological Inventory; Sixth Edition

These Guidelines are issued under the authority of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 470cc Section 4.d) which states "any permit under this section shall contain such terms and conditions, pursuant to uniform regulations promulgated under this Act, as the Federal land manager concerned deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act" and the implementing regulations for the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, found in 43 CFR § 7.9. These Guidelines set the archaeological inventory standards established by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada in order to assist BLM and its permittees (contract archaeologists) in complying with federal laws, regulations and policies on cultural resources protection. The purpose of these Standards and Guidelines are to assist in achieving consistency in the manner in which inventories are conducted for archaeological sites, as well as in the recording and reporting of the results of those inventories. This consistency should reduce the amount of time BLM Cultural Resource Specialists spend reviewing reports and consulting with the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). BLM Nevada has issued a second set of Guidelines for the recording and reporting of architectural resources.