New Mexico Fisheries and Aquatics
The fishery program for New Mexico is as diverse as the various aquatic and riparian habitats that exist in the state. The southern end of the state includes three field offices (Las Cruces, Carlsbad and Roswell) that present a warm water habitats that primarily provide for warm water fish and aquatic organisms. However, there are areas in the southern FOs that do provide habitat for cold water fisheries as well. Our northern FOs include Socorro, Rio Puerco Farmington and Taos, which provide habitat for both game and non-game, cold and warm water fish and aquatic species. The Taos FO has three designated Wild and Scenic Rivers and the Farmington FO has a blue ribbon trout stream that is nationally known. Combined, the aquatic and fishery habitats existing throughout the NM FOs provide the basis for the extreme diversity in aquatic organisms, game and non-game species and the subsequent recreational fishing opportunities that exist in New Mexico.