Press Releases

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Idaho, Idaho Falls DO, Salmon FO

BLM to temporarily restrict motorized vehicle use to save repair costs on Discovery Hill River Bluffs Road near Salmon

BLM's Salmon Field Office management has issued a temporary restriction of use for motorized vehicles on the Discovery Hill River Bluffs Road (BLM Road 118) due to deteriorating road conditions, effective immediately. Restricting travel on this road now will save repair costs later.

BLM seeks initial input for proposed relocation of pipeline spanning Snake River

BLM is seeking public comments for a proposed project to relocate and bury a natural gas pipeline southwest of American Falls in Power County.

Wild horses, burros and trainers unite this weekend in Boise

Trainers approved to adopt a wild horse or burro gathered from overpopulated Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public rangelands across the West will pick up their animal on Feb. 22 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Feb. 23 from 8 a.m.-noon at the Boise Wild Horse Off-Range Corral.
Idaho, Twin Falls DO

BLM’s Twin Falls District welcomes new district manager

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Twin Falls District welcomes Birk Roseman as the new Twin Falls district manager, following the retirement of long-time district manager Mike Courtney.
National Office, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Eastern States, Idaho, Montana-Dakotas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon-Washington, Utah, Wyoming

Free mapping program to help Americans navigate BLM public lands

There’s a new tool for recreationists planning visits to public lands. The Free National Mobile Map Package Program allows anyone to access maps so they have the information they need to get outside, even when they are offline
National Office, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana-Dakotas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon-Washington, Utah, Wyoming

BLM, USDA Forest Service announce 2025 grazing fees

The federal grazing fee for 2025 remains $1.35 per animal unit month for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month for lands managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. 
Idaho, Idaho Falls DO, Salmon FO

BLM Idaho’s Salmon Field Office welcomes new manager

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Idaho Falls District welcomes Vince Guyer as the new field manager for the Salmon Field Office. His official starting date was Dec. 29.
Idaho, Idaho Falls DO, Salmon FO

BLM Idaho’s Salmon Field Office adds new rental cabin enhancing Continental Divide Trail experience

New remote lodging opportunity to the public all year long.

Closure in the South Hills near Twin Falls goes into effect Jan. 16

The Bureau of Land Management Burley Field Office management will implement an annual seasonal motorized travel closure in the South Hills area, south of Twin Falls, Jan. 16 to March 15, 2025.
Idaho, Coeur d Alene FO

BLM’s Coeur d’Alene Field Office to implement day-use fees to improve recreational experience

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved business plans to collect day-use fees and improve the visitor experience at three recreation sites managed by the Coeur d’Alene Field Office.
Idaho, Boise DO

Temporary closure in effect to mitigate stress to wildlife due to loss of winter forage in Paddock Fire burn scar

The BLM is enacting a temporary closure to motorized vehicles across 109,704 acres of BLM lands and roads within the Paddock Fire burn scar. The closure is effective immediately through April 30, 2025.

BLM seeks public feedback for recreation site improvement in south central Idaho

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Burley Field Office recreation staff seeks public feedback on a grant proposal to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.

BLM temporarily restricting off-highway vehicle use in the Wood River Valley beginning Jan. 1, 2025

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Shoshone Field Office is implementing off-highway-vehicle and conditional seasonal restrictions in the Wood River Valley to reduce impacts to wintering herds of deer and elk. No motor vehicles are allowed in the identified areas from Jan. 1–April 30, 2025.

BLM to audit commercial recreation use to ensure Idaho public receives fair deal

BLM Idaho State Office recreation staff is auditing its commercial Special Recreation Permit (SRP) Program to ensure the American public receives fair market value from the use of its public lands.
Idaho, Idaho Falls DO, Pocatello FO

BLM seeks input on proposed Caldwell Canyon Phosphate Mine

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on the draft environmental analysis for the Caldwell Canyon Phosphate Mine proposed mine and reclamation plan revision.

BLM acquires Queens Crown parcel in southcentral Idaho

The Bureau of Land Management today announced acquisition of the 281-acre Queens Crown parcel bordering the Blaine County Transfer Station in southcentral Idaho. BLM acquired the parcel from the Wood River Land Trust with money from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
Idaho, Idaho Falls DO, Upper Snake FO

Stinking Springs and Egin areas temporarily closed to protect wildlife

Temporary annual closure of the Stinking Springs area near the South Fork of the Snake River to all motorized vehicles and human entry in order to support wildlife survival rates.
National Office, Idaho

BLM advances Lava Ridge Wind Project in Southern Idaho

Bureau of Land Management today approved the Lava Ridge Wind Project in Idaho, which could power as many as 500,000 homes with clean energy, while creating hundreds of jobs and supporting local and regional economies.

BLM Shoshone Field Office staff and partners complete Golden Hour Trail in Wood River Valley

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Shoshone Field Office staff, in partnership with the International Mountain Bicycling Association, just finished constructing the Golden Hour Trail located immediately adjacent to Hailey in the Quigley drainage.
Idaho, Coeur d Alene FO

BLM Coeur d’Alene Field Office seeks public input on Rochat Divide-Pine Creek Special Recreation Management Area Map Correction

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Coeur d’Alene Field Office management is seeking public comment on corrections to the Rochat Divide-Pine Creek Special Recreation Management Area (SMRA) map.
Idaho, Coeur d Alene FO

BLM Coeur d’Alene Field Office seeks public input on the West Fork Pine Creek Route Structures

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Coeur d’Alene Field Office seeks public input on the proposed West Fork Pine Creek Route Structures Project to determine potential environmental impacts.
Idaho, Idaho Falls DO

BLM to conduct pile burns across south eastern Idaho

BLM Idaho Falls District plans to conduct several prescribed pile burns during late fall and early winter

BLM seeks public input for recreation site improvement in south central Idaho

The Bureau of Land Management Burley Field Office recreation staff seeks public feedback on a proposed grant request to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. The grant request will seek $200,000 from the Waterways Improvement Fund (WIF) for improvements at the Lud Drexler Park at Salmon Falls Reservoir near the Idaho/Nevada border, south of Twin Falls.

BLM Partners with the Wood River Trails Coalition to construct trails in the Wood River Valley

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Shoshone Field Office awarded the Wood River Trail Infrastructure Agreement to the Wood River Trails Coalition (WRTC).
Idaho, Idaho Falls DO, Pocatello FO, Upper Snake FO

Christmas tree permits available in east Idaho

BLM is issuing $10 Christmas tree permits from 11/13 through 12/24 in SE Idaho.