Press Releases

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BLM issues final analysis for the Dry Creek Trona Mine

The BLM issued the final environmental impact statement analyzing the proposed Dry Creek Trona Mine Project south of Green River in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. The 30-day public review period will start Feb. 28, 2025.
Arizona, Gila DO, Safford FO

BLM opens comment period on proposed mining exploration near Mammoth

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on a draft environmental assessment for the proposed Copper Creek Exploration Project on public lands near Mammoth in Pinal County.
Nevada, Battle Mountain DO, Tonopah FO

BLM seeks input for proposed expansion of lithium mine

The Bureau of Land Management has opened a 30-day comment period beginning Feb. 28, 2025, for a proposed update to the plan of operation for the Silver Peak Lithium Mine near Silver Peak, Nevada.

BLM seeks initial input for proposed relocation of pipeline spanning Snake River

BLM is seeking public comments for a proposed project to relocate and bury a natural gas pipeline southwest of American Falls in Power County.
Wyoming, Wind River/Bighorn Basin DO, High Plains DO, High Desert DO

Protect Wyoming’s public lands from illegal dumping

The Bureau of Land Management is urging the public to help combat illegal dumping on public lands, a widespread issue that degrades natural resources, threatens wildlife, and imposes significant cleanup costs on taxpayers.

BLM seeks initial input for September 2025 oil and gas lease in Utah

BLM Utah seeks public input on 25 oil & gas parcels (39,868 acres) for a Sept. 2025 lease sale. The 30-day scoping period ends March 28, 2025.
Nevada, Carson City DO

February 2025 BLM and NNCC saddle-started wild horse adoption a success

The BLM and the Nevada Department of Corrections conducted a saddle-started wild horse adoption event on February 22, 2025. Forty-five qualified bidders including successful adopters attended the event.

BLM to conduct prescribed fire at Bodie Hills for wildfire prevention

The Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office plans to conduct prescribed fire operations as soon as Feb 24 in areas of the Bodie Hills, northeast of Lee Vining, in Mono County. Pile-burn operations will only be conducted when weather and fuel moistures allow for safe and successful burning.
New Mexico, Farmington DO, Farmington FO

BLM Farmington office temporarily relocates for HVAC renovations

The office will be closed as contractors work to replace the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. A temporary office will be set up within the main office parking lot.
New Mexico

BLM announces May 2025 oil and gas lease sale in New Mexico

The Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office today announced an oil and gas lease sale scheduled for May 22, 2025, to offer three oil and gas parcels totaling 1,261 acres in New Mexico.
National Office, Utah

Landmark Dingell Act land exchange completed

Utah will gain 47 water rights; approximately 83,000 acres with sub-surface mineral estate; approx. 4,000 surface-only acres; and approximately 5,000 acres of sub-surface mineral, oil and gas, and coal-only estate.
Oregon-Washington, Northwest Oregon DO

BLM reopens Quartzville Back Country Byway

The Bureau of Land Management has reopened the Quartzville Back Country Byway after a temporary closure due to a rockslide in late December 2024.
Canyon Country DO, Monticello FO

BLM asks climbers to protect raptors in Indian Creek

The Bureau of Land Management urges climbers and outdoor recreationists to avoid certain areas in Indian Creek from March through late summer to protect nesting raptors.
New Mexico

BLM New Mexico oil and gas lease sale nets over $20 million

The Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office leased seven parcels totaling 1,317.29 acres for $20,671,801 in total receipts for its quarterly oil and gas lease sale.
Nevada, Battle Mountain DO, Tonopah FO

BLM seeks input on updates to Bullfrog wild burro management

The management area includes more than 146,700 acres of BLM-managed public lands. It also encompasses nearly 10,500 acres of mixed private and other public lands.
Wyoming, Wind River/Bighorn Basin DO, Lander FO

Ruth Miller begins appointment as BLM Lander field manager

Miller comes to us from the BLM Montana/Dakotas State Office. In her new position, she oversees the management of approximately 2.5 million acres of public land in central Wyoming.

Wild horses, burros and trainers unite this weekend in Boise

Trainers approved to adopt a wild horse or burro gathered from overpopulated Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public rangelands across the West will pick up their animal on Feb. 22 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Feb. 23 from 8 a.m.-noon at the Boise Wild Horse Off-Range Corral.
California, California Desert DO

BLM seeks input on proposed Chubbuck Mine access road and associated facilities

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a draft environmental assessment for a proposed access road and associated facilities on about six public acres adjacent to the existing Chubbuck Mine in San Bernardino County.
New Mexico, Farmington DO, Taos FO

BLM and Forest Service postpone public meeting for the proposed Upper Pecos withdrawal

The BLM and the USFS are postponing the Feb. 26, 2025, public meeting for the proposed Upper Pecos River Watershed Protection Area withdrawal. Agencies will notify the public when the meeting is rescheduled.

BLM WY State Office shifts to appointment system for public room use

The Bureau of Land Management Wyoming State Office has implemented a call ahead appointment system to allow for a more streamlined use of the public room.
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

BLM seeks input on Thirtymile Recreation and Travel Management Project

Attention outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers: The Bureau of Land Management is improving access and management of the diverse recreational activities available in the Thirtymile Creek and the John Day River area.
Utah, Green River DO

BLM seeks public comments for allowing events at Swasey’s Beach

The BLM Price Field Office is seeking public comments on issuing special recreation permits for up to five events annually at Swasey’s Beach. The 15-day comment period runs through March 5, 2025.

BLM seeks initial input for December 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Colorado

BLM Colorado State Office today opened a 30-day public scoping period to receive public input on 61 oil and gas parcels totaling 51,068 acres that may be included in a December 2025 lease sale in Colorado.
Utah, Color Country DO, Cedar City FO

BLM seeks input on e-bike use on trails in Iron and Beaver counties

The BLM is seeking public scoping comments for the proposed use of Class 1 e-bikes on designated mountain bike trails across six trail systems on public lands in Iron and Beaver Counties.

BLM seeks input for proposed Spring Valley Gold Mine

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Spring Valley Gold Mine project in Pershing County, approximately 20 miles northeast of Lovelock and 70 miles southwest of Winnemucca.