The Bureau of Land Management is celebrating the inclusion of Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument in TIME’s World’s Greatest Places of 2025.
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Due to high fire danger and prolonged drought, the BLM is implementing fire restrictions on public land at the Fort Stanton - Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area and BLM lands around the community of Lincoln.
The office will be closed as contractors work to replace the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. A temporary office will be set up within the main office parking lot.
The Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office today announced an oil and gas lease sale scheduled for May 22, 2025, to offer three oil and gas parcels totaling 1,261 acres in New Mexico.
The Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office leased seven parcels totaling 1,317.29 acres for $20,671,801 in total receipts for its quarterly oil and gas lease sale.
The BLM and the USFS are postponing the Feb. 26, 2025, public meeting for the proposed Upper Pecos River Watershed Protection Area withdrawal. Agencies will notify the public when the meeting is rescheduled.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a draft environmental assessment for the proposed Starvation Draw earthen dams project near Deming in Luna County.
There’s a new tool for recreationists planning visits to public lands. The Free National Mobile Map Package Program allows anyone to access maps so they have the information they need to get outside, even when they are offline
The federal grazing fee for 2025 remains $1.35 per animal unit month for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month for lands managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service.
The Bureau of Land Management will issue leases effective Feb. 1 for 17 oil and gas parcels totaling 6,259 acres in the Farmington and Rio Puerco field offices in New Mexico.
The BLM New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public scoping period to receive public input on 21 oil and gas parcels totaling 8,860 acres that may be included in a Nov. 2025 lease sale in New Mexico and Oklahoma
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to conduct prescribed burns in Socorro and Catron counties. Weather permitting, the burns will take place between now and March 2025. Pre-burn burn plan notifications will be implemented prior to all ignitions.
The BLM and Cochiti Pueblo today announced the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument will reopen on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comments on a proposal to increase the standard amenity fee at Datil Well Recreation Area Campground.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to change fees at Haystack Mountain and Mescalero Sands North Dune off-highway vehicle areas near Roswell.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces that it is seeking public nominations for vacant positions and positions that will become vacant on its Northern New Mexico Resource Advisory Council.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to change fees at the Rob Jaggers Campground and the Valley of Fires Recreation Area Campground in Lincoln County.
The BLM New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on 7 oil and gas parcels totaling 4,666.69 acres that may be included in an upcoming lease reinstatement in New Mexico.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today announced the release of its Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument in southern New Mexico.
BLM en Nuevo México abrió hoy un período de comentarios públicos de 30 días para que el público opine sobre las 16 parcelas de petróleo y gas con un área total de 7,502 acres.
The BLM New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on 16 oil and gas parcels totaling 7,502 acres that may be included in an upcoming lease sale in New Mexico.
The Bureau of Land Management and Pueblo of Jemez renewed a co-stewardship agreement today to protect traditional, religious, and cultural interests of the Pueblo on federal lands.
BLM issued a record of decision and approved resource management plan updating the 1986 Rio Puerco RMP and its 1992 amendment.
BLM issued a management plan for Río Grande del Norte National Monument to protect its important landscapes and cultural sites while addressing increased interest in recreational use, visitor services, and facilities.
The Bureau of Land Management and Pueblo of Acoma signed a co-stewardship agreement to protect the Pueblo’s traditional, religious, and cultural interests on public lands.