ELY, Nev.
LAS VEGAS – Recognizing the need to balance critical habitat for the threatened desert tortoise with high-quality visitor experience, the Bureau of Land Mana
LAS VEGAS – Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area’s developed campground – Red Rock Campground – is scheduled to temporarily close from 11 a.m.
RENO, Nev.—The 2021 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada photo contest begins today in partnership with Travel Nevada. BLM Nevada will be accepting submissions
LAS VEGAS – The hours of operation for the Sloan Canyon parking area at the end of Nawghaw Poa Road will change to Friday through Sunday from 8 a.m.
Denio, Nev — The Humboldt River Field Office has published the final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Baltazor Geothermal Development Project.
LAS VEGAS – On May 24, 2021, the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Clark County Fire Department, Mt.
WINNEMUCCA, Nev — The Humboldt River Field Office has initiated a 30-day public comment period on the draft Environmental Analysis for the Winnemucc
ELY, Nev. – On May 4, 2021, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Ely District issued a Decision Record (DR) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) based on analysis prov
Carson City, Nev – NextEra Energy Resources will be hosting two virtual public meetings to discuss their proposed Dodge Flat II solar and energy storage project on Thurs., May 13,
LAS VEGAS - The Bureau of Land Management Southern Nevada District announces the availability of a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to disclose and analyze the environmenta
ELY, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management has paused until autumn drill seeding on public lands burned in two eastern Nevada wildfires.
ELY, Nev. –The Bureau of Land Management Ely District has fuelwood-cutting permits available online through the BLM Special Forest Products Online Permit Sales Pilot Program.
ELKO, Nevada — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved the next step for the proposed Midas Exploration Project boundary expansion by signing the finding of no significant
CARSON CITY, NEV. – The Bureau of Land Management will hold a meeting of the Sierra Front-Northern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council (RAC) on July 15 and 16.
WINNEMUCCA, Nev — The Black Rock Field Office (BRFO) is soliciting public comment on the Calico Complex Gather Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA)