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WINNEMUCCA, Nev. — On or around September 15, 2021, the Black Rock Field Office&nb

CARSON CITY, Nev. - The Sierra Front Field Office announces a temporary closure order for a Special Recreation Permit issued to the Reno Air Racing Assoc

Carson City, Nev – Arevia Power will be hosting two virtual public meetings to discuss their proposed Libra Solar-solar generation and energy storage project on Mon., Sept.20, and

LAS VEGAS – Today, the Bureau of Land Management is opening the nomination period for Round 19 project proposals to be funded under the South

LAS VEGAS – The Bureau of Land Management today announced temporary closure of certain public lands under its administration from Septe

The Bureau of Land Management, Humboldt River Field Office (HRFO) will be initiating a 15- day comment public comment period on a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the Winnemucca Off-r

ELKO, Nev.— The California Trail Interpretive Center (CTIC) is set to start the second phase of reopening September 3.

Update on public input for variance process (9/15/21):

WINNEMUCCA, Nev. – The Black Rock Field Office (BRFO) is announcing the availability of a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) to address potential environmental consequ

WINNEMUCCA, Nev. —The Humboldt River Field Office (HRFO) signed and issued the final Environmental Assessment for the construction of infrastructure at the Winnemucca Sand Dunes (W

WINNEMUCCA, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management has released the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Gold Acquisition Corporation, Rel

The Humboldt River Field Office (HRFO) is soliciting public comments on the Lincoln Hill Project Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) located in Rochester Canyon. Coeur Rochester, Inc. is proposing to explore for gold and silver on 8,457 acres located approximately 20 miles northeast of Lovelock, Nevada.

WINNEMUCCA, Nev. — The Bureau of Land Management, Black Rock Field Office, in coordination with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe (PLPT) wants to remind visitors headed to Black Rock P

WINNEMUCCA, Nev. – The Winnemucca District recognizes the importance of the Black Rock Desert Playa to recreationalists and is taking precautionary measu

The Bureau of Land Management, Battle Mountain District, Mount Lewis Field Office has scheduled two virtual public scoping meetings for the proposed Goldrush Mine Project.

ELY, Nev.  The Bureau of Land Management Ely District has prepared and published a final environmental impact statement (FEIS) analyzing a proposal to exp

Carson City, Nev – Best in the Desert (BITD) will be holding their annual Vegas to Reno desert off-highway vehicle

CARSON CITY, Nev. – On or around August 9, the Bureau of Land Management Carson City District, Sierra Front Field Office will begin an emergency wild horse gather on the Flanigan H

ELKO, Nev. — Lightning occurred across the Elko District yesterday causing multiple fires.