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BLM's Salmon Field Office management has issued a temporary restriction of use for motorized vehicles on the Discovery Hill River Bluffs Road (BLM Road 118) due to deteriorating road conditions, effective immediately. Restricting travel on this road now will save repair costs later.
BLM is seeking public comments for a proposed project to relocate and bury a natural gas pipeline southwest of American Falls in Power County.
Trainers approved to adopt a wild horse or burro gathered from overpopulated Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public rangelands across the West will pick up their animal on Feb. 22 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Feb. 23 from 8 a.m.-noon at the Boise Wild Horse Off-Range Corral.
There’s a new tool for recreationists planning visits to public lands. The Free National Mobile Map Package Program allows anyone to access maps so they have the information they need to get outside, even when they are offline
The federal grazing fee for 2025 remains $1.35 per animal unit month for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month for lands managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. 
Bureau of Land Management today approved the Lava Ridge Wind Project in Idaho, which could power as many as 500,000 homes with clean energy, while creating hundreds of jobs and supporting local and regional economies.
The Department of the Interior announced today that the Bureau of Land Management has published proposed updates to strengthen conservation and management of greater sage-grouse habitat on public lands.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking nominations for a new Federal advisory committee that will help inform how the Bureau implements the Public Lands Rule.
The BLM today announced its proposed roadmap for solar energy development on public lands, designed to expand efficient and environmentally responsible solar project permitting on public lands across the West.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposed withdrawal that would protect 1,958 acres of public lands within the Mud Flat Oolite Site near the City of Grand View in Owyhee County, southwestern Idaho.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to transfer approximately 159 acres of public lands in Bonneville County to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in southeastern Idaho.
At almost half of the project’s originally proposed size, the BLM’s preferred alternative was shaped by public input and meetings, listening sessions, and significant engagement with local landowners and ranchers, Tribal Nations, federal, state and county elected leaders, interested organizations, the BLM’s Resource Advisory Council for the area, and the National Park Service.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Upper Snake Field Office staff have today completed a plan that defines a comprehensive system of routes in southeastern Idaho.
The Department of the Interior today announced a final rule to help guide the balanced management of America’s public lands. The final Public Lands Rule provides tools for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to help improve the health and resilience of public lands in the face of a changing climate; conserve important wildlife habitat and intact landscapes; facilitate responsible development; and better recognize unique cultural and natural resources on public lands. 
The Biden-Harris administration today announced a series of historic milestones and actions to promote responsible clean energy development on public lands and help achieve President Biden’s goal of creating a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a $4.8 million investment through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to boost partnerships aimed at

WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) today 

CHALLIS, Idaho—With funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), the Bureau of Land Management is partnering with The Conservati

WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is announcing a draft plan to strengthen greater sage-grous

In order to enhance operational efficiency and address the growing demands on public lands, Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning announced today the est

BOISE, Idaho—After extensive work with local partner organizations, the Bureau of Land Management today finalized the third of five plans that, taken tog