Mother Lode Field Office
The BLM Mother Lode Field Office manages over 230,000 acres of public land in Central California. These lands are scattered within Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Mariposa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Yuba counties.
Areas of interest include the Cosumnes River Preserve; Pine Hill Preserve; Red Hills Area of Critical Environmental Concern; the North Fork American and Merced Wild & Scenic Rivers; as well as highly visited recreation areas along the South Fork American River, the South Yuba River, and the Mokelumne River.
Major programs within the office include Recreation, Geology & Minerals, Lands & Realty, Botany & Wildlife, Fire & Fuels, and Forestry.
BLM Recreational Opportunities Interactive Map
Find recreation locations in the BLM Motherlode Field Office.
Recreation Areas
Cosumnes River
Merced River
North Fork American River
Pine Hill ACEC
Red Hills ACEC
South Yuba River
South Fork American River
Latest News
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
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