Alaska Diversity Partners
The Bureau of Land Management has a unique multiple-use mission in Alaska and within the Department of the Interior. It's the scope of our work and the resources we manage that sets us apart. We manage activities ranging from outdoor recreation to reindeer grazing, from mineral development and energy production to conservation of natural, historical, and cultural resources. Our people are our greatest natural resource. Through partnerships, we work to provide career opportunities and internships in Alaska.
Featured Partnership
The national Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and American Conservation Experience (ACE) have partnered together to engage the next generation of conservation stewards. The Emerging Professional Internship Corps (EPIC) program not only provide a framework to build a skilled workforce for the 21st century but also allow youth to explore, connect, and preserve America’s natural and cultural resources as they gain professional skills and cultivate their careers in the resource management field. By exposing interns to renewable and non-renewable land management careers and techniques with BLM field offices, they will enhance employment options and career training opportunities.
This partnership addresses a fundamental component of ACE’s mission, and a critical need for recruitment and retention within the BLM. Through this program, ACE and BLM are looking to find the best talent from every background, providing the best chance at success for the partner and the intern.
Meet BLM California intern, Tiera Arbogast and read about her experience:
"The American Conservation Experience (ACE) DHA program has provided me with the exciting opportunity to act as a Natural Resource Specialist (NRS) at the Bureau of Land Management Bakersfield Field Office. As an Oil and Gas NRS Intern, I have participated in a range of management practices within and outside of the oilfields.
Upon first arriving to the Bakersfield Field Office, I was no expert in the processes involved with overseeing oilfield operations. I’ve spent many hours reading documents, visiting pump sites (potential, interim and reclaimed), and interacting with a number of BLM staff and oil and gas operators. I’ve also fulfilled personal and professional goals of developing a stronger knowledge toolset of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.
However, oilfields aren’t the only setting to aid in fulfilling BLM objectives! One of my favorite opportunities so far has been a Giant Kangaroo Rat trapping, which we were invited to participate in by biological consultants who work often with the BLM. Also, I’ve participated in events such as the annual Kern River Valley Pride Day and National Public Lands Day, where we collected trash and participated in restoration activities.
This internship will be one of lasting importance for me. I’m excited to continue my journey with the BLM, where I will develop a stronger understanding of fluid minerals operations and administer national environmental policies intended to sustain our socioeconomic and biologic needs!"