
BLM’s Fort Stanton Cave focus of talk at Smokey Bear Days

This year’s Smokey Bear Days featured two days of events, food and music, as well as talks about the nearby Fort Stanton Cave by Knutt Peterson, a cave and karst specialist for the BLM Roswell Field Office.

Unleashing the Science - Cadastral Classroom Investigation Field Exercise

Excelsior homeschool group of Nampa, Idaho, and the Idaho Bureau of Land Management cadastral staff participated in a cadastral classroom investigation field exercise, demonstrating how science in the field can be fun.

BLM Arizona celebrates women in science

From advancing environmentally sound renewable energy projects to restoring native plant communities to managing diverse populations of wildlife and their habitats, these employees’ passion shines through in the work they do across public lands in Arizona.
Scott Claggett

Campbell Creek Science Center: 25-years strong thanks to Friends and curious minds

As we continue the 25th birthday celebration of Campbell Creek Science Center, we proudly recognize the many partners of Campbell Creek Science Center who bring environmental education and interpretive programs to life.