
Find out what's happening in your local community. Use the map or the search and filter below to read BLM Announcements by region.
Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Arizona, Arizona Strip DO

Prescribed fire planned for public lands on the Arizona Strip

This prescribed fire treatment will focus on reducing slash that was previously cut and scattered as part of a vegetation reduction treatment focusing on encroaching pinyon-juniper trees.
Montana-Dakotas, Western Montana DO

Dillon BLM seeks public input on vegetation management assessment

DILLON, Mont.— As the Bureau of Land Management’s Dillon Field Office prepares to undertake an assessment of vegetation management on BLM-administered land, it’s asking for the pub


BLM hosting public listening sessions for Alaska Long Trail National Scenic Trail feasibility study

The Bureau of Land Management invites the public to attend upcoming listening sessions to inform a congressionally-directed

Colorado, Rocky Mountain DO

Rocky Mountain Resource Advisory Council Announces 2024 Meetings

In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado's Rocky Mountain Resource Advisory Council (RAC) is announcing its 2024 meeting dates.

BLM welcomes new Idaho Resource Advisory Council members

The Bureau of Land Management welcomes four new members appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to the Idaho Resource Adv

Colorado, Royal Gorge FO

BLM Royal Gorge Field Office adopts new campsite fee structure



Colorado River Valley Field Office seeks public comment on a proposed “rock-crawling” trail northeast of Silt

The Bureau of Land Management Colorado River Valley Field Office seeks public comment on a proposed 1.2-mile 4x4 vehicle “rock-crawling” trail northeast of Silt.