
Find out what's happening in your local community. Use the map or the search and filter below to read BLM Announcements by region.
Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Oregon-Washington, Lakeview DO

Lakeview District Expands Fire Detection Network

BLM Lakeview District and its partners at the Oregon Hazards Lab at the University of Oregon have installed another new fire detection camera in Southeastern Oregon.
Nevada, Sierra Front FO

Indian Creek Campground in Nevada remains closed for 2024 until further notice

The BLM, Sierra Front Field Office announces the Indian Creek Campground in Alpine County will remain closed until further notice.
Nevada, Southern Nevada DO

The Bureau of Land Management will begin Red Rock HMA Wild Horse and Burro bait and water gather operations

On or around April 24, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management Southern Nevada District Office will begin a wild horse and burro gather on the Red Rock Herd Management Area (HMA) l


BLM issues decision on Left Coulee Access

SOUTH BLAINE COUNTY, Mont. – Bureau of Land Management officials signed a Decision Record and Finding of No Significant Impact for a travel plan amendment opening a 0.6-mile primit


BLM approves mineral exploration project in Nevada

ALTURAS, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management has approved mineral exploration on 200 acres of public lands in Nevada, including requirements that minimize conflicts with natural

Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Upper Table Rock trailhead and trail closed April 29 – May 2

The Bureau of Land Management will close the Upper Table Rock trailhead and trail April 29 – May 2.
Oregon-Washington, Lakeview DO

Lakeview Field Office Selling Firewood Permits

The Bureau of Land Management Lakeview Field Office will begin selling firewood permits starting April 18, 2024.
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

Race prompts temporary closure of portions of Cline Buttes/Buckhorn Motorized Recreation Area

Portions of the Cline Buttes/Buckhorn Motorized Recreation Area will be closed Saturday, April 20, 2024.