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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Idaho, Idaho Falls DO

BLM approves Burnstone Quarry near Idaho Falls

BLM approves Burnstone Quarry near Idaho Falls - Burns Industries, LLC would develop the quarry on 204 acres of BLM-managed public land, with a total surface disturbance of 262 acres, including some private lands, during the 100-year life of the quarry.

BLM issues decision on challenged 2018 oil and gas leases in Utah

The Bureau of Land Management announced a decision today to reaffirm 51 oil and gas leases in Emery County.
California, California Desert DO

BLM initiates Whitewater Canyon closure due to increased wildfire risk beginning June 1

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. – Due to dry conditions and high fire danger, the Bureau of Land Management will temporarily close public lands in and near Whitewater Canyon in Riverside County. The public safety closure, in coordination with Riverside County, will begin on Saturday, June 1 and will remain in place until October 31.
Nevada, Southern Nevada DO

BLM Las Vegas Field Office to auction 25.6 million tons of sand and gravel on June 14, 2024

Las Vegas Field Office to auction 25.6 million tons and 740,000 loose cubic yards of sand and gravel on Friday, June 14 at the BLM Las Vegas Field Office.

BLM Colorado encourages recreating responsibly to help prevent wildfires

May is Wildfire Awareness Month, but recreating responsibly to prevent wildfires is key year-round.

BLM offers guided hikes, by reservation, on Headwaters Salmon Pass Trail

ARCATA, Calif. – Opportunities to revel in the beauty of ancient redwood stands await outdoor enthusiasts who reserve space on a free guided hike offered by the Bureau of Land Management along the Salmon Pass Trail at the southern end of the Headwaters Forest Reserve near Fortuna. Hikes are planned for weekend dates into November. Hikers can expect to cover three miles in the outings that last three to four hours. The trek is moderately strenuous, with 360 feet of elevation change. Registration is required for each outing. Registration is now open for weekend hikes through July. Registration links will open for each scheduled hike two months in advance and close three days prior to each hike. The hikes are among many events scheduled to celebrate 25 years since establishment of the Headwaters Forest Reserve. The 7,472-acre Headwaters Forest Reserve was established in 1999 after a decade-long grassroots effort to protect the world’s last unprotected, intact, old-growth redwood forest ecosystem. It supports threatened species including coho salmon, the northern spotted owl and the marbled murrelet, a seabird. The BLM Arcata Field Office manages the Reserve in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. To reach the Elk River Trailhead, take the Elk River Road exit off Highway 101 at the south end of Eureka. Turn right onto Elk River Road and drive approximately six miles to the parking area.

BLM Resource Advisory Council meets June 5-6 in Arcata

ARCATA, Calif. – The Bureau of Land Management Northern California District Resource Advisory Council will consider a wide range of natural resources topics, when it meets for a field tour and business meeting, Wednesday and Thursday, June 5-6, at the BLM Arcata Field Office, 1695 Heindon Road, in Arcata.
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

Annual campfire restrictions to start on BLM rivers in Central Oregon

On June 1 on some BLM-administered lands in central Oregon, campfires will be prohibited along portions of the Crooked, Deschutes, John Day and White rivers, as well as Lake Billy Chinook and Lake Simtustus.

Inyo National Forest, BLM seek input on proposed removal of wild horses outside Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Territory

Inyo National Forest, in coordination with the Bureau of Land Management, is seeking public comment on a preliminary Environmental Assessment to consider removal of wild horses outside of the Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Territory in Mono County. The comment period opens today and is expected to close June 26, 2024.
Utah, Canyon Country DO

BLM seeks input for off-highway vehicle travel plan in southeastern Utah

The BLM is seeking public comments for the development of a draft environmental assessment to consider preliminary travel network alternatives on public lands near the Dolores River in southeastern Utah. 

June wild horse and burro adoption events in Wyoming

BLM WY kicks-off summer with four wild horse and burro adoptions in June. Untrained animals will be offered to qualified adopters for a $125 minimum fee. Events to be held June 1, 8, 8 and 21.